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Thread: The IRIS - a great Kiwi product, what do you think?

  1. #16
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiwijames View Post
    Honestly, no I wold not use it.
    You can use my name, just not my spelling (mistakes)
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  2. #17
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Hunting Show View Post
    Good point, I do agree with what you are saying (in fact had similar thoughts). But if it saves a life.......
    Banning hunting would save a life

    Please stop pushing this product and also your show or whatever

  3. #18
    Member The Hunting Show's Avatar
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    I am not trying to sell anything, just asking a question

  4. #19
    sneakywaza I got
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    Friendly fire accidents....

    Failure to identify target
    Failure to stick to agreed hunting zones
    Failure to think clearly and control "buck fever" or whatever you want to call it.

    I am seriously concerned that this type of "solution" will be exactly what is seized upon by the do-gooders and media. It is a band-aid, and does not address the real issue.
    The use of the word accident" fucks me off!, that word implies a situation unavoidable. As ebf points out: FAILURE!!!! on the part of the shooter.

    So, those that do not understand, will try to impose gimmicks of the "iris" nature on us, supported by "facts" and "statistics" and field tests designed to prove the gadget is gonna save us all, and if it really is hand over heart, doing this to save lives, then the dohickies will be issued FREE, to al-l right? (yeah/nah, pass another Tui mate!) buggered if I am going to be lumped in with the lowest common denominator. Can we test this dohicky for people with sharp knives and cars first?, cause fuck me, they kill more people in a week than firearms do in a year.
    P38, The Hunting Show and ballcorn like this.

  5. #20
    Member Bonecrusher's Avatar
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    This product is nothing more than a poor excuse in a court room for another hunting fatality.
    Is it any good as a boat anchor because this is all I would use it for.
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  6. #21
    P38 is offline
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    Have you done any research on similar Military Devices?

    There's plenty of public information available and most likely lots of classified information on the failure of much more sophisticated identification devices operated by highly trained teams of experts which has resulted in a substantial list of "Friendly Fire Deaths".

    Knowing this, Why would we think that Joe Public, including young and inexperienced Hunters with little or no training, poor maintenance skills and an almost inexhaustible supply of other variables outside of the control of the designer will do any better.

    I'd be interested to see any published well researched information on this subject to compare to what little I found with just a simple Google search.

    I also know that these electronic devices are "Not Fail Safe" and there will be failures, just like every other Electronic Device on the market today, yet the consumers will be relying heavily on them to make those all too important decisions for them.

    These devices will never replace the tried and tested method of "Positively Identifying Your Target" IMO.

    I would not use them and would be seriously opposed to any suggestion their use be made a condition for obtaining a Fire Arms Licence and or Hunting Permit in NZ.

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  7. #22
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by 257weatherby View Post
    The use of the word accident" fucks me off!, that word implies a situation unavoidable. As ebf points out: FAILURE!!!! on the part of the shooter.

    So, those that do not understand, will try to impose gimmicks of the "iris" nature on us, supported by "facts" and "statistics" and field tests designed to prove the gadget is gonna save us all, and if it really is hand over heart, doing this to save lives, then the dohickies will be issued FREE, to al-l right? (yeah/nah, pass another Tui mate!) buggered if I am going to be lumped in with the lowest common denominator. Can we test this dohicky for people with sharp knives and cars first?, cause fuck me, they kill more people in a week than firearms do in a year.

    More people Die at work each year

    More people Die of Influenza each flu season.

    More people Die crossing the road.

    More criminals Die running from the Police.

    More vehicle Drivers & Passengers Die because they do not use their seat belts, use their cell phones while driving or simply drive drunk or under the influence of drugs.

    Etc. Etc. Etc.

    Than are Shot and killed or Injured in a Decade while Hunting.

    There are many many many rules, laws, safety devices, and behaviours all designed to prevent these Deaths from happening .......... Yet they still Happen.


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  8. #23
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    Because of the balanace of nature. Farkwitts still exist Pete
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  9. #24
    P38 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by initiaz View Post
    Because of the balanace of nature. Farkwitts still exist Pete

    And we seem to be getting more and more each year.

    I blame the Nanny State.

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  10. #25
    Member JoshC's Avatar
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    No I would not use one.
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  11. #26
    res is offline
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    The IRIS - a great Kiwi product, what do you think?

    While I applaud what they are trying to do I don't think these would really help overall as even if they ended up on every rifle, people by human nature would start relying on them as a stand alone way of telling if a shot was safe the same as some people can't go anywhere without sat nav these days. And it's not 100% effective even if it's being used by both party's . And other wilderness users are hardly going to have the reflectors-I have encountered nonhunters in the most unlikely places.

    You bring up the death of a friend of mine at the hands of someone I know as a case for this device-maybe you should look into the incident closer and then tell me if you really think they would have used this device.

    I'll stick to working out species,age,sex and then deciding bullet path before pulling the trigger as I feel it's more effective that just checking a little light on my scope
    Last edited by res; 08-08-2014 at 01:18 PM. Reason: spelling
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  12. #27
    Member stumpy's Avatar
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    sorry boys , ... some of you are getting your back up for no reason , just another item in the tool box , ... yes firearm safety , yes identify your target 100% yes to all of it .... this is not being forced on you as a hunting nation .... it is a product , that will be out there for you to take on board or not .... its not replacing your wits and common sense , some guys use walkie talkies to find out where each is , ... this is just another safety guard if you want it , .. if you find it to be too much of a nanny state , don't buy it ., its just another option .
    this is my opinion and mine alone (feel free to share my post and name )
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  13. #28
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    I'd use it! Why not?! What we have currently obviously isn't working. Tunnel vision/adrenaline/complacency are probably the cause of most accidental shootings so anything that helps push through that is a good thing in my opinion.

    I drive a car with electronic handbrake, ABS, stability control, fuel injection. I wear a seatbelt and have full insurance because I know that I'm not immune from making mistakes.
    Rich007 and madmaori like this.

  14. #29
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Personally I would not use it, or purchase it. Call me old fashione but my primary safety is the thing located between my ears and it works in conjunction with my right index finger. All other safeties are secondries. I make my living repairing electronic thingies and they are not fool proof nor to be relied upon to replace personal responsibility.
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  15. #30
    Member Timmay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    I'd use it! Why not?! What we have currently obviously isn't working. Tunnel vision/adrenaline/complacency are probably the cause of most accidental shootings so anything that helps push through that is a good thing in my opinion.
    You are kidding right? There are 230,000 A class licensed people in this country and an estimated 1,000,000 guns.

    There is around 9 deaths a year due to guns
    13% criminals
    80% of them are suicide
    1-2% by cops

    5% are accidental

    So in 10 years there are 4.5 deaths.

    Pretty blanket statement saying that what we have isn't working.

    (Typed on my phone)

    To further my above post as referenced earlier on in this thread.
    If everyone used this and assumed we on average used our gun 4 times a year each AND these things are made to the highest standard (6 faults in a million) then we would still have 5 deaths ( late Friday maths)



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