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Thread: IRIS hunter safety technology

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    IRIS hunter safety technology

    Great to see Mike and Dave making progress with their safety system:

    IRIS hunter safety technology | Indiegogo

    You can get some good deals if you help them out with startup funding too.

    I've had a play with one of their IRIS devices, and they are a great idea.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    West of Christchurch
    It looks great but like all technology - it's only as good as the guy using it and a reliance on it isn't the panacea.
    Not everyone could have the IRIS reflectors, so if it doesn't alarm - BANG?
    Are the batteries working, it didn't alarm - BANG?
    It's alarming at a definite non-human, say a river rock. I can't trust it now - BANG?

    I think it's a great start though and something to be used in combination with a lot of other common sense measures.
    Kscott likes this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    up shit creek
    that's a great idea should be built into every scope

  4. #4
    ebf is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wetweasel View Post
    that's a great idea should be built into every scope
    Um weasel, I don't have a scope on my rifle prefer to use the "safety" between my ears, if in ANY doubt, don't pull the trigger...
    GravelBen likes this.
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  5. #5
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    I think its something that has the chance of working if a lot of people took to it.
    Can see it working well for groups to hire out when heading into huts with a lot of bush hunting around them.

    How ever i don't think that many would carry it all the time and a gps type system is properly a better system for people who are no hunting in pairs



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