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Thread: jesus wept

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    perfectly understandable the guy is feeling shit etcetc.That I dont dispute. yes i fucked up once and put a .22 round through our then kitchen ceiling 930yrs ago),but now due to adverse publicity i make it a point to handle all my firearms safely and in accordance with law.my air rifle is not in my gun cabinet ,but i do check the bloody thing everyday -Is it secure ,Has someone been tampering etcetc .That too is because even wa wee chinese cheapo like that can kill.Id never store the bloody thing cocked cause i have another in the shed that has a stuffed spring ,cause its previous paranoid owner kept it permannently coked&loaded due to having some unscrupulous assholes after him.
    I know ive ranted but my point remains unequivocal- as a bloody adult we are responsible for the safe storage and use of firearms -hiding it in a wardrobe is NOT secure storage IMHO.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  2. #17
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    +1 my air rifle is locked in my safe, partner has here nieces/nephews over every now & then, they are curious little people and might 'find it' if its in a wardrobe/closet.....be safe people!!!!!!
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  3. #18
    Ex stick thrower madjon_'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scribe View Post
    Guns always loaded and the horse always kicks. (Anyone know if this saying came from a very old film I saw when I was a kid called the Sundowner's). First time I heard it an I am just curious. I know its on someone's avatar

    I bet kids put the slug gun away in the Cupboard loaded.

    No excuse though it should never have been pointed at another human.
    And the dog always bites
    Real guns start with the number 3 or bigger and make two holes, one in and one out

  4. #19
    Member Scottishkiwi's Avatar
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    How does this happen? Even I never used to put them away loaded or cocked back when i had them at 13-15.. Some people just make you worry. These are the same kinda people I wouldn't want behind the wheel of a car.
    7mmsaum likes this.

  5. #20
    Member dogmatix's Avatar
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    It happens because any muppet can buy an air rifle and not have to at least try to learn the 7 basic rules.
    Welcome to Sako club.

  6. #21
    Member oneipete's Avatar
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    Hmm.. cocked and loaded air rifle in a cupboard still wouldn't go off even if pointing it at someone unless trigger is pulled or catches on someone.

    All comes back to where the gun is pointed when the trigger was activated. crappy lax storage and usage of a gun.

    The Dad must be feeling crap,as I would in that situation.

    But ill tell you this for nothing, my wife would have made damn sure I was also in hospital for head injuries and loss of hearing.
    Micky Duck likes this.
    Guy Fawks the only man to enter parliament with the interests of the people in mind

  7. #22
    Member Dead is better's Avatar
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    Dammit EBF I had the most wicked tirade all typed out and then I saw you post. Had to delete that shit and start again.
    You have a point.
    I did once accidentally wave a shotgun in the direction of my mate when I was on my way back from checking a paper target. He pulled me up on it and I bull-crapped until he seemed satisfied (it was empty but that was not my finest hour).

    As for this guy though... I'm trying to think of a single scenario of why that airgun came to be loaded and left. Got nothin'. Even if kids did put it away like that, why did he leave it where they could get to it???

  8. #23
    Member Scottishkiwi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dogmatix View Post
    It happens because any muppet can buy an air rifle and not have to at least try to learn the 7 basic rules.
    I've heard stories of spring air rifles going off on their own if they are cocked for too long and/or not being properly maintained.. Air guns need cleaned and oiled to!
    Scouser likes this.

  9. #24
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    Dec 2011
    Father now charged by Police.

    Police today said a 26-year-old Temuka man had been charged with careless use of a firearm, and would appear in Timaru District Court "in due course".

    Police investigations into the incident were ongoing.

  10. #25
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Anyone know the outcome for the little kiddy ? I hope all good.

    I bought a wee semi auto 22 a while back, then while at an `ex` mates place, I thought I would show it to him.
    He hunts and has few firearms. Anyway, he doesn't bother to check the state of the rifle, but proceeds to twirl it around above his head while laughing and telling me "its a fcking toy"....then he pulls the trigger. It was cocked somehow, but unloaded, luckily. I knew it was unloaded, but not sure how it got cocked.
    Same guy shot a hole in the ground a meter in front of himself on hunt, while trying to lower the hammer on his 30-30 when hammer slipped. No safety on. Also bragged to me about shooting a deer at 80 meters when all he could see was a patch of orange through the bush...."But I knew it was a deer, cos I watched it for 5 minutes and could see it breathing"

    I don't hunt with him anymore

    Point I am making is that even people who have been around firearms for many years can make the most basic errors.

  11. #26
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    Also bragged to me about shooting a deer at 80 meters when all he could see was a patch of orange through the bush...
    Doesn't that sound a bit familiar? When the orange patch of deer hair tuned out to be someone's blaze orange hunting cap?
    ''Assume everything that moves is a human before identifying as otherwise''

  12. #27
    Tools not Toys
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    @Pengy so this "exmate" is fit and proper?
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  13. #28
    Join Date
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    Amazing gun in a wardrobe, one of the first things to be packed when I emigrate is my gun cabinet and ammo safe, all springer air rifles van be de cocked and left with the pellet in them if it's difficult to get out, or just let it off into the ground, Jez they are so cheap to buy, as to a 3030 going off when his finger slipped off the hammer, I have done this once myself, there is no safety on the old Marlins like mine, it why you always point it to the ground, same should apply to all guns, what ever they are.

  14. #29
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Quote Originally Posted by hanse View Post
    @Pengy so this "exmate" is fit and proper?
    Certainly makes him questionable in my opinion.

  15. #30
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    spreydon christcurch.
    i believe the english language has a word for those who act like this pengy "idiot"is its polite version!many on here myself includedc definitely use a more agricultural derivative.
    Im so pleased hes now an EX -safer for all concerned.I was part of a group years ago that had one like that.he departed with the immortal "ya old man shoulda shot ya onto a hot tin fence ya f...kwit"roared by a guy who"d just had one of our f....tards rounds whizz past his head. Some must get their FAL out of a bloody weetbix packet!!



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