Totally agree, but this behaviour comes from the top down to all government agencies. Don't blame the messenger.
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How/When/Where can we give feedback?
Especially on the registry. When the details are available I say we sticky the thread, and encourage as many members as possible to provide "feedback"
Gidday @NZShoota, You'll no doubt get a bit of stick on this thread - sort of a lightning rod I guess.
Feedback on the online licence application:
Fairly good with only a little ambiguity and inefficiency in places.
You have to be fairly determined to work through it all. So that's an inequity for people who don't live and breathe beaurospeak. Good to see theres still scope for paper applications and encouragement. 40 pages sounds worse than it really is. Most of the pages are for extra kids and others living at the same address and specially for holiday homes etc.
The new security requirements doc is good and I see you've taken on board concerns about uneven and idiosyncratic application. So far so good.
On the proposal for a register: I can tell you that will do no good, cost a truckload of money and make things less secure as it will inevitably be hacked or inadvertently exposed. I'd be interested to engage on that and hear how Police plan to address security concerns. I understand the department may have it dictated to them to try to do it.
In my opinion, the new rules in general weren't needed. They're being shunted into place as a knee jerk reaction to the Christchurch terrorist attack. If the legislation and correct firearms licensing procedures had been followed in that instance, the shooter would never have obtained an FL license. I suspect the correct licensing procedures weren't followed partly as a result of resourcing issues with firearms licensing. This problem with a lack of resourcing for firearms licensing has gotten worse in recent years. It would make more sense to direct adequate resourcing to firearms licensing. But this obviously hasn't happened.
This government will push it through regardless. And it's the type of legislation subsequent governments will be 'gunshy' about going back on.
Be aware that the consultation/feedback will not affect whether the register goes ahead or not, it is already law that it is going ahead, and even the police can't change that.
The consultation is about the regulations to try and make it work. Any submissions against having a register will probably go straight in the rubbish bin.
Concerns over privacy and data security must be heard. Spelling out the consequences of data breaches should also be relevant.
Just wanted to put this info out there as I guess a lot of members here on the forum are not members of associations that are represented at the FCAF meetings and as such would not realise how things are progressing. I'm just a sport shooter that gets occasional email updates from national associtions that I'm a affiliated to.
40 pages for licience form. Although some pages were not applicable for me. Going through the renewal process now.
@NZShoota so, you're not Mike MacIlraith himself ?
Definately not :P
I've received the forwarded email from both NRANZ and NZSRA. It was originally sent to JG who is on FCAF.
I got the same email from the Sporting Shooters Association on Friday.