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Thread: A Letter from COLFO

  1. #1
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    A Letter from COLFO

    June 2018

    COLFO to become more inclusive.
    At the COLFO AGM in May a remit was passed allowing interested groups who may be affected by arms
    legislation, such as air-soft and paintball users, to come under the umbrella of COLFO… COLFO encourages
    any firearms interest group or individual to become a member – visit our website for details.

    COLFO Fee increases
    Unrelenting anti firearm activity over the past two years has resulted in increasing workloads for COLFO
    Board members, involving domestic and international travel as well as supporting various legal challenges
    and projects that benefit all shooters. This all comes at a cost and in order to rebuild our funds it has been
    necessary to increase fees for the first time in decades. Most of COLFOs annual income is derived from
    donations; this is where you can help our cause by giving a little to: 06-0501-0736016-00

    Where to with Licence Testing?
    Police have advised that new licence applicants will need to access the new, yet to be published, Arms
    Code from the Police website, and when ready sit a firearm safety test at a location where driver licence
    testing is provided, such as AA or VTNZ. Once they have passed the theory test they will then need to
    attend a two hour practical handling lecture and assessment before their application can progress.
    It has been announced by New Zealand Police that they have awarded the contract to deliver the practical
    firearms handling component of the new on line testing regime for two years commencing 1 July to the
    Mountain Safety Council. The MSC is now attempting to recruit part time paid contractors to deliver this
    programme in just 48 main centres throughout the country.

    COLFO is concerned that this new system will result in fewer people having opportunity to gain their
    licence, especially for those with learning difficulties and those living in remote locations.
    If you experience unreasonable difficulty in accessing the new licence testing process COLFO would like to
    hear about it.

    Guns and Gangs
    What unintended consequences will the newly announced Firearms Prohibition Orders Bill have for law
    abiding firearm owners? This Bill gives powers to the Commissioner of Police to prohibit members of
    gangs from possessing or associating with any person with a firearm. COLFO sees one concern in a new
    definition of “possession” which the Bill defines as “in relation to a firearm, part, or ammunition, includes a
    firearm, part, or ammunition that is subject to a person’s control but that is in the custody of another
    person”. What exactly does this mean in practice and how will it affect licensed owners? How will anyone
    know who is subject to a prohibition order- in order not to associate with them in any way relating to a

    This Bill will require close scrutiny and robust submissions at the Select Committee stage. COLFO will keep
    you advised.

    Imported Firearms

    Recently dealers have queried the need to supply details of imported A Cat firearm serial numbers to
    Police. Following consultation with the Arms Act Deliver Service it was pointed out to COLFO that this is a
    requirement set out in Section 13 Notification of Importation of the Arms Regulations 1992, which
    requires full details to be supplied to the Arms Office that issued the import permit within 30 days of the
    firearm arriving in New Zealand. Failure to do so may incur a fine of up to $ 400 on conviction.

    This should be seen as Police doing their job effectively rather than introducing a new imposition on
    importers. COLFO does not see this as “registration by stealth” but rather a means of collecting accurate
    data on firearm imports.

    The Future of the Shooting Sports in New Zealand

    Sometimes it feels that the misguided attacks on our hobbies are relentless. It is clear that there are some
    people who are of the opinion that all firearms should be removed from civilian hands. This is their right.
    The only way we can prevent this from happening- and it could well happen that the ownership of firearms
    is severely restricted in this country - is by increasing our numbers. The reality is that licensed firearm
    owners- who are by definition “fit and proper” and thus law abiding are likely to adhere to any restrictions
    on their sport no matter how unjust, or give up the sport because it all becomes too difficult. Once the
    number of licensed shooters drops below a certain critical mass, the pastime we all love will be stilled,
    probably for ever.

    COLFO works hard for you, frequently behind the scenes. Our board watch carefully all media articles,
    lobby at the national and international stage and talk to all participants whether police, politicians or “the
    antis”. But there is one thing we cannot do to any great degree and one thing you can help us with- and
    that is get more people into the shooting sports.

    We see this as a numbers game. More shooters equates to greater influence on decision makers. As it
    stands there are a huge number of people with licences in New Zealand- but we need as many as we can
    get and there is much you can do to help.

    The first thing is, don’t dismiss other shooters or their disciplines. While you may only enjoy one particular
    shooting discipline and have no interest in other types of firearm, don’t throw fellow shooters under the
    bus by condemning their particular style of shooting. Our experience has been that media or persons with
    an agenda will seize on and distort any message from just one person, no matter how well intentioned,
    and this will become the opinion of “all” shooters. How often have we heard people with an anti firearm
    agenda say “I have talked to lots of shooters who agree with me”.

    The second thing is, and perhaps more important than anything, is to introduce other people to your
    hobby. There are two aspects to this. If someone doesn’t like firearms, or has a “Hollywood” view of them,
    you will find that simply by taking them to the range and exposing them to a chance to have a shot and try
    out different types of firearms they may be more supportive of us. COLFO did just that with the Select
    Committee last year. They may well, after a positive experience- pipe up on a comment on a news site or
    to a friend that they understand the shooting community and why they are so passionate about their

    Most importantly however, by encouraging and introducing people to the sport (“ I have always wanted to
    try this”) they may get a licence and take up the sport. We tend to think about only introducing younger
    generations to the sport but we need to think more widely. Women are the fastest growing demographic
    for shooting sports in the United States and there is no reason to think this won’t be the case here. Your
    clubs and friends should always be on the lookout for a chance to introduce new shooters whether having
    a “user friendly” process to join the club, or an open day. If you come across someone at your workplace
    who has “always been interested” in firearms, you should make the opportunity to take them out, even if
    it is just plinking away with a .22.

    If just 10% of shooters in New Zealand got just one person into the hobby every year, within a short time
    our voices would never be able to be silenced. It is up to you.

  2. #2
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Do they have a website?
    I see a Facebook link but I don't do Facebook.
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  3. #3
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow View Post
    Do they have a website?
    I see a Facebook link but I don't do Facebook.
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  4. #4
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    If just 10% of shooters in New Zealand got just one person into the hobby every year, within a short time
    our voices would never be able to be silenced. It is up to you.
    A similar approach worked well for Gore tourism - they set themselves a goal to attract just one or two anglers by next year. Now Gore has a thriving trout fishing tourist industry, definitely on the map for anglers.
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  5. #5
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  6. #6
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    Unfortunately this is full of "Corporate " drivel . It is all full of fluf and air , if only we where more "diverse', we haven't increased your fees for ages , if only you would do "this" , we need more to do the "good work" , the end of the world is neigh , the Police are just misunderstood ( they are in fact on your side and protecting you ) .
    In fact COLFO has done nothing as if they had they would tell you all about it and when faced with a "Problem " there solution is to cave in , touch my Butt , and if you question them they will attack with " have you given us any money " i.e are you a financial member ?.
    The crux of the matter is that we are in a rather unique situation because of MMP to attack the Firearms using community is to also to attract the ire of the mothers/wives / fathers uncles etc . And to replace Hunters would be costly and problematic . unfortunately we are our own worst enemy due to the fact we are involved in a very individualistic sport which makes us vulnerable to false Prophets ,our fragmented state is our strenght and weakness with our ability to morph i.e comply with the law at the same time as thumbing our nose at it .
    Moa Hunter likes this.

  7. #7
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tankd View Post
    Unfortunately this is full of "Corporate " drivel . It is all full of fluf and air , if only we where more "diverse', we haven't increased your fees for ages , if only you would do "this" , we need more to do the "good work" , the end of the world is neigh , the Police are just misunderstood ( they are in fact on your side and protecting you ) .
    In fact COLFO has done nothing as if they had they would tell you all about it and when faced with a "Problem " there solution is to cave in , touch my Butt , and if you question them they will attack with " have you given us any money " i.e are you a financial member ?.
    The crux of the matter is that we are in a rather unique situation because of MMP to attack the Firearms using community is to also to attract the ire of the mothers/wives / fathers uncles etc . And to replace Hunters would be costly and problematic . unfortunately we are our own worst enemy due to the fact we are involved in a very individualistic sport which makes us vulnerable to false Prophets ,our fragmented state is our strenght and weakness with our ability to morph i.e comply with the law at the same time as thumbing our nose at it .

    Damned if you do and if you don't re calling foul on Police Association mischief. COLFO simply must walk a tight rope.

    On one hand, we are law respecting individuals with a overwhelmingly high opinion and supportiveness of the cop on the beat, and we are happy to express that.

    On the other hand the Police Association is frankly peddling half truths and complete lies and it is hard to come hard against that without - at least to some, especially in an age of sound bites - appearing to be somehow "anti-police", which is a mistaken (and PR-disastrous) image to have as a firearms owning community.
    Last edited by Cordite; 06-06-2018 at 01:36 PM.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  8. #8
    ebf is offline
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    @Tankd, curious what part of the firearms community you belong to ?

    Do you have any endorsements ?
    Do you participate in any organized sport shooting or belong to any clubs ?
    Hunter, member of NZDA ?
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  9. #9
    Member cambo's Avatar
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    Would be nice to see some comments from COLFO in media reports, but they remain quiet apart from their own social media pages.
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  10. #10
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cambo View Post
    Would be nice to see some comments from COLFO in media reports, but they remain quiet apart from their own social media pages.

    Maybe someone from COLFO can explain here why that is. Is it just that COLFO speaks but does not get quoted?
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  11. #11
    Member Feral's Avatar
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    That's quite an interesting point @ebf. I wonder how many licenced firearms owners are individually active responding to police consultation, ministry of education consultation, the current police roadshow in numerous towns in New Zealand. Auckland had 40ish people attend. There are far more than 40 firearms owners in Auckland. Was it apathy?

    Being a member of a club is a good thing in my view, or an association aligned to whatever your gun hobby is. Numbers are good. Critical mass is neccessary. So is representation.

    I also think how much anyone sees also depends on what media you're on. Eg colfo have been on breakfast show, Mike Loder on radio NZ, Gun City on breakfast, so a lot of people are doing their bit but it's not always visible.

    What about firearms events? Take the shot expo for example, major event, some deals to be had, good day out etc. But I noticed there were a few negative comments on social media about the event... Ticket costs, a few other gripes. Personally, I'm glad New Zealand had such a large scale event where thousands of like minded people got to go and touch, hold, ask, talk smack etc with industry, clubs and associations. Overall positive... Just not to some who will possibly always have a negative bias.

    I think anyone ponying up and supporting any cause to do with firearms is a great thing and we need more of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    @Tankd, curious what part of the firearms community you belong to ?

    Do you have any endorsements ?
    Do you participate in any organized sport shooting or belong to any clubs ?
    Hunter, member of NZDA ?
    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    Husky1600 and Cordite like this.



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