From personal experience 20 years ago. My uncle suffered manic depression with all that goes with it. Made all sorts of threats. His sister (my mum) went to police to suggest his licence be revoked and firearms removed. They didn't want to be involved / not their problem until and offense committed.What if someone is "sane". Gets a license and then has a meltdown ? Should any mental health issues by "notifyable" in the case of a person who has a firearms license ?
Mental Health people didn't want to know as didn't want to 'set him off"
I still had a reasonable relationship so I ended up going to visit him to "borrow" all his firearms as I wanted to go hunting and sold all mine to raise funds for the house we just brought,
They sat in my gunsafe till he passed away (brain tumor), but as far as I know he could have purchased more as his licence was never revoked.
Bottom line is it should not have been up to me to do this. I often wonder how many times this happens?