Looking for someone trustworthy in Wellington ( yes I know it’s difficult)
Looking for some trustworthy in Wellington with regard to disposing of firearms, a relative has contacted about me his brother in laws firearms he has dementia and they wish to sell them, his mental capacity degraded very quickly the wife doesnt know who to deal with in the stores, only 4 guns two quality ones a weirauch hw 60 j 22 lr, and a steyr Mannlicher model L 243, the others are an older remo bolt action 12g and an incomplete Brno military action in a custom full wood sporter mannlicher style stock missing mag and floor plate in the white also cal 308. Are there any Wellington Locals who can recommend a good place for her to offload these ? It’s to complicated to list them on the forum and she certainly doesn’t want randoms Turing up on her doorstep. I feel I’m just to far away to be of any real help selling them being located in Dunedin