Don't know about a telescoping design, but if all you have to do is close an AR's ejection port and obstruct the bolt, a simple click in mechanism will do and only one extending lug is required. And why not also purpose made for a bolt action?
Tubular vending machine locks offer a more lightweight effective solution:
Attachment 87783
The locking lug may be shaped to engage with a Mauser style rifle's locking lug slot, all you'd need is some shape of the body of the lock so it would be unable to turn round.
It would be quite hard to get at, you could definitely not pick it with standard tubular lock picks, nor readily drill it out as most 90deg drills need a fair bit of space.
To prevent someone sticking a steel rod down the muzzle and hammer it out, you might provide a 30degree slanted front face to divert such a force sideways.
Would of course not be of use in rear locking bolt actions as there are no locking lug slots ahead by the chamber.
Of course a really good solution would be an inbuilt lock that immobilises the rifle's bolt in its forward, closed position. Also stops frustrated jokers from stealing your bolt and leaving the rest attached to the hot water cylinder.