Mountain Safety Council Firearms Course
Originally Posted by
Bill, answer me this please...
Other than being willing to give up some of your time, what qualifications do you have to enable you to be a firearms safety instructor for MSC ?
Other than attending a couple of the courses to learn the "script", did you do any specific training around
A) firearms safety
B) adult education
What vetting and quality control processes exist within MSC to weed out instructors imparting incorrect information ? Have any instructors been let go or forced to take remedial training in the last 5 years ?
Oh ebf do I have a story for you:)
I should probably keep this two myself but I think there's a lesson in it for us all, so no names will be mentioned.
Our local firearms course instructors (2) where hunting with a good mate of mine, a couple of years back, this is a true story.........
They where quad hunting a private hunting block for deer split between 2 quads, both the instructors, my mate and the land owner.
2 red hinds crossed the track when coming down the hill, the two instructors decided two cut down bedside the ridge two maybe get a shot off.
The bikes carried on down the steep track, my guy mate on the trailing quad who was a very experienced quad rider, some how got cross rutted and the bike rolled pinning him against the bank.
The lead quad had carried on unaware of what had happened.
Mate was in rather a bad way screaming his head off for help, the two instructors arrived after running back up the hill,
As they bent down two pick up the quad one of there unloaded guns slung on someones back went off blowing a hunk of bank two bits less than a foot from my mates head.......
These two instructors then debated whose gun it was that mysteriously went bang. I kid you not.
.these are the same two alluded two in my first post:)
Fortunately I think they have given up..........