Yep, the Registry will stop all this (so we are told).
What a feral POS she is. But probably get a wet bus ticket slap and a bucket of KFC.
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Yep, the Registry will stop all this (so we are told).
What a feral POS she is. But probably get a wet bus ticket slap and a bucket of KFC.
How did she get a fal? :)
A stern formal warning is coming her way :)
It's the wild west out there. Pity the justice meted out will be more "civilized".
Holy shitballs Batman what a drama. How the fuck does some feral rampant Doris simply make a phone call to get access to a firearm?
I think that in cases like this there is a valid case for reproductive sterilization
I thought this was old news
after re read it again... looks like 2 separate incidents.
Huntly used to be really bad but looks like Hamilton is taking over the title.
Whilst I agree, particularly with the sentiment "feral rampant Doris", I think it is worth reading the below, from the herald article:
Her counsel Charles Bean today failed in his attempt to get the woman bail on three charges; two of using a firearm against three police constables and wilfully attempting to pervert the course of justice by discharging a firearm at police to divert their attention away from a group of offending actively avoiding capture.
The first two charges carry a maximum of 14 years’ jail, while the third carries a maximum of 7 years’ prison.
Judge Phillip Cooper remanded the woman in custody to reappear next month to enter pleas.
So no bail and a likely sentence of 14 years of jail.
Surely the system working as it should?
No mention of a bucket of KFC.
I wonder what punishment the teenagers received? I am certain they'll say they've had a tough upbringing, but they sure can't claim that their mother didn't support them in their career choice.
what chance do those boys have with a parent like that.
May as well book a room at Waikeria for them now. extended stay
Success breeds success :huh:
With a mother like that it would be hard to argue that is wasn't an ideal upbringing....but to claim their mother didn't support their career / life choices is clearly a lie.......Either way, society would be a better place if all of them were not in it...(That is what prison is supposed to do...)
And the new labour candidate for Hamilton is .....
How to fix intergenerational welfare dependency, alcohol and drug abuse and antisocial criminal behaviour is a tough one
:oh noes: