You are not alone brother.
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Quote: I used to think the US was crazy for no being willing to give an inch with regards to 2A but seeing how things played out here, in the UK and in Australia I know completely understand.
Touche!!!!… and the reasons are obvious for most here.When these politicians say ,”I guarantee “…. I say ,there are no guarantees until signed into law as such.
Early days and big promises from the 3 musketeers,ACTs participants in this Firearms debate will be severely tested by the others,they won’t get it all “their” way!!
Fudd is at least associated with the character Elmer Fudd in the Bugs Bunny cartoons. Elmer, a gentleman and gardener of advanced years and dodgy eyesight was at constant war with Bugs, the wascally wabbit and blasting away with his shotgun with little effect.
acts "rise to power" was largely due to their promises and campaigning with regards to firearms. There are a shitton of firearms owners out there. If they do not deliver on this they might as well all retire because they will not be a thing come next election. Act voters are no labour voters with 2 braincells and an attention span of 3 seconds.
What does being a Fudd mean?
Fudd (plural Fudds) (derogatory) A gun-owner who supports traditional hunting guns but favors gun control for other guns such as handguns or tactical rifles. quotations ▼ (derogatory) A bumbling and ill-educated person. quotations ▼
Well there you are. I must admit some sympathy with the first description with tactical rifles meaning semi auto centrefire rifles. I have made my peace with synthetic stocks but none of my rifles have a stock that be called tactical, so far.
Regards Grandpamac.
I think there are estimated 300,000 gun owners in NZ (is that correct?). Act won 246,409 party votes.
If one in ten gun owners voted Act on the basis of gun laws alone (generous I think) that's 30,000 votes.
Without those votes ACT would have still got in with about 8 seats. Plus Seymour's seat gets them in anyway.
In regards to the overall premise of this thread, it is worth observing that the party agreements do not guarantee or promise to enact the policies of the others. They have only agreed to PROGRESS the policies (The actual wording if you read the agreement). In politician speak, this leaves considerable wiggle room if any policy priorities begin the process of enactment but do not cross the finish line to completion.
I sincerely hope, like all of you, that ACTs policy priorities are enacted, but I am not dancing in the streets just yet. Steel your resolve my fellows, for the battle is not yet done.
Because I prefer to be realistic. And was responding to this "acts "rise to power" was largely due to their promises and campaigning with regards to firearms".
The fact that I think you are incorrect though should not diminish the enthusiasm for what the coalition might achieve for gun owners.
It's suits his point of view.
I would hazard a guess at 5/10 or higher, if you remove the rural and business owner motivated National voters. In which case it would be a tick for the nats and one for act.
I am surprised by the number of expats who voted Act too, 6 out of 8 Voted Act and the other two voted Green.I think people are just looking for new ideas and new faces as well as a bit sick of the rhetoric we have been fed.