You cant trust Winny.
He marches to the beat of his own drum.
As opposed to trusting other politicians....................
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You cant trust Winny.
He marches to the beat of his own drum.
As opposed to trusting other politicians....................
now who is making up shit to suit /fit their argument????
excuses for NZFirsts past BS still doesnt excuse it....
and Norsk I gave party vote to ACT...that was always a given...but candidate vote to National...because that way it wasnt wasted may or may not have made any difference to the national candidate winning..but would have kicked myself if labour had won seat by 1 vote if I hadnt.
I have never voted for national before..and possibly wont again..but I sure as hell will never vote labour.
Plus van Velden winning the Tamaki seat.
Keep it relevant guys as it’s close to getting shitcanned
My point of view is simply that I do not think that a lot (I said 10% of gun owners as an example) of Acts votes came from gun law specific single issue voters. Mostly people have far broader issues to worry about at the moment. I did not vote Act (I voted Nats) but Im very pleased that Act got in and have these proposed changes in the coalition agreement.
I think what has been missed is that ACT only gained one seat from 2020 so it is stretching it somewhat to say that the arms act issue was major in peoples thoughts. Other than Labour all of the other parties gained more than that. The National, ACT and NZ first coalition scraped in by a narrow majority so who knows what will happen in 2026.
And the extra seat they won was in an electorate that I surmise would be anti gun. She won mainly because of her opponent's less than palatable view.
Keep this on track guys, general views on politics isn't what this thread is about. If it isn't firearms related save it for elsewhere