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Thread: New Gun Laws, Free Standing Pistol Grip Question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Masterton / Wellington

    New Gun Laws, Free Standing Pistol Grip Question.

    I no this will probably be sensitive subject but here goes. I have a semi Auto rifle that has a free standing pistol grip, that under the New Laws changes the weapon from an A class to an E class licence. From my understanding I either have 3 choices - Remove and replace the stock to its original None Pistol Grip, and the Rifle will remain A Class. Obtain an E Class Licence to keep the current Pistol grip stock or 3 replace the stock two a Thumbhole variation (Not sure of exact term) that will allow the pistol grip to be used as a A Class.

    My question if I am correct with the above choices relates to the Thumbhole Stock, (If a create a brace or bridge if you like on my currently re-classified E Cat stock that will I turn connect both the stock with the bottom of the pistol grip, is this sufficient and would it be legal for me to keep using the weapon with its current stock (Pistol grip ) as the brace would re-class it back to an A Cat licence. ?

  2. #2
    bas is offline
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    Dec 2011
    You are correct with your three options:
    1. Put back original stock
    2. Apply for your E endorsement
    3. Replace the pistol grip stock with a thumbhole stock.

    Modifying the current stock so that there is a connecting bar between the stock and the pistol grip is unlikely to be accepted by the police and you will need a court ruling should you wish to go down that route. However I believe that in the Richard Lincoln vs Police case, the judge sided with the Police and ruled that a connecting bar was against the spirit of the law.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks bas, just looked up and read the Judgement of Richard Lincoln Vs Police, Case CIV-2009-454-473. Pretty clear cut and my questioned answered. To be clear to other readers - Any attempts to Bridge the gap between the Stock and the Pistol grip with any material does not justify a change in its classification and would be regarded as unlawful if used with an A Cat licence.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Even if it is a pretty hard core permanent job? Like some nice fiberglass or carbon fiber work between the two?

  5. #5
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I think that judgement related specifically to a military pattern free standing pistol grip, which doesn't exist anymore.

  6. #6
    bas is offline
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    We won't really know until someone brings it before a judge. And even then the ruling may only apply to that modification. So you need to ask if it is worth the cost and effort when you can buy one of Digits stocks for under $200

  7. #7
    bas is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    I think that judgement related specifically to a military pattern free standing pistol grip, which doesn't exist anymore.
    Correct, the ruling applied to the old law. However I would expect any judge to take the ruling from Richard Lincoln vs Police into consideration when they make their decision.

  8. #8
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    One thing is for sure, they've made a really piss poor attempt to clarify things.

  9. #9
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bas View Post
    We won't really know until someone brings it before a judge. And even then the ruling may only apply to that modification. So you need to ask if it is worth the cost and effort when you can buy one of Digits stocks for under $200
    Unless you have a gun that isn't an AR.

  10. #10
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    One thing is for sure, they've made a really piss poor attempt to clarify things.


  11. #11
    bas is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    Unless you have a gun that isn't an AR.
    Good point, although most of the other semi-autos also have reasonably cheap thumbhole/dragunov aftermarket stocks available or they originally came with a one-piece stock (m305 or SKS). I do feel for those that imported flash aftermarket stocks for their m14/m305s and they will have to decide which way to go, get E or stay A.

    (Going E seems a no-brainer to me as you get to use normal capacity magazines as well).

  12. #12
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    Gotta join a club and stuff though, and demonstrate that you have been actively participating. Not practical for a lot of people who live in the whops. I'd imagine quite a few rural people will say bugger it and just keep their gun as is. Half of them probably don't even know the law has changed. If I didn't shoot service rifle and frequent the gun boards I would have no idea, imagine somebody with poor or no Internet access. Mind you the chances of getting caught in some places are practically nil.
    Wirehunt and veitnamcam like this.

  13. #13
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    I know of about half a dozen people who are going to be affected that are not gun people but own ARs and wont have a clue about any law changes regarding their gear. Im not going to inform them because they wont give a fuck anyway and quite frankley why should they? The flange created this mess so they can reap what they sow.

  14. #14
    bas is offline
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    This is the problem the powers that be don't seem to comprehend, they think that because its now law, people will magically comply. However as seen by drug use if people don't agree or the law interferes with their enjoyment of life they will ignore it. As it stands the police have a hard enough time keeping un-licenced drivers or un-warranted/un-registered cars off the road. How do they hope to track firearms that may only see the light of day a few times a year and then on private property?

  15. #15
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    So my civilian-pattern-pistol-gripped AR with no MSSA features 2 weeks ago, is now considered an MSSA because of the pistol grip. I have 6 months grace to either obtain an E endorsement for the rifle, or convert it to "sporting configuration" which doesn't exist anymore or something. Since it's an illegal MSSA now but the police are turning a blind eye to it, am I allowed to have other MSSA features? Can I unpin my adjustable stock? Can I stick an 8 round magazine in it? Has anyone thought about it? The official answer will be no, of course.



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