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Thread: New gun security laws

  1. #61
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Savage1 View Post
    So you think E cat is no deadlier than A but C is more deadly than A if it is select fire? I fail to follow your logic.

    You're thick, I have finally found my signature. I won't bother arguing with you.

  2. #62
    Member Savage1's Avatar
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    It's not often that I get called thick, when I do it is normally by people with notably less intellect than me or my wife, however I'm not suggesting that you fall into either of those categories.

    If you're unable to explain your logic then that doesn't make me stupid.
    kiwijames, Beaker, Nickoli and 2 others like this.

  3. #63
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    The problem I see is that there doesn't appear to be any clear direction or game plan to tackle organised crime and the drug trade. Everybody wants an end to gangs, P etc but the approach we are taking is a broken record and doesn't appear to be making an impact.

    With regards to firearms, the police association is taking a disjointed and rambling crusade against legal gun owners who they dont differentiate from criminals. They cry for gun registration, restrictions on .50 BMG's, further restrictions on MSSA's. None of those things will serve to enhance officer safety. Most illegal guns are obtained through theft, so registration won't do shit. .50BMG's are pretty much never used in crime. Restricting them is pointless. MSSA's are already among the most tightly controlled guns. They are already registered anf required to be kept in more substantial security. What more could they want to increase officer safety? There is something to be said for A category security being to relaxed, most A cat safes are shite. But as has been pointed out, why should we have to saddle a burden caused by organised crime?

    Perhaps we need take a drastic new direction. Maybe we need to legalise all drugs. That would basically destroy the economy of the gangs. If meth addicts could get a cheap hit without having to commit crimes to feed their habits we might see a steep decline in burglary, which may result in less guns being stolen. We should introduce warrentless searches for anybody known to be associated with organised criminal gangs. MSSA owners are burdened with this so why the fuck can't we do it to gang members. Imagine how impossible it would be to operate a crime ring if the cops could pay a daily visit to the gang pad or the associates houses.
    Damn straight - people wanna get high - why not legalise ecstasy? We already know it is safer than alcohol, or horse-riding for that matter

    If it were up to me I'd have warrentless searches on gang pads, gangs having to prove clean legal ownership of assets to avoid forfeiture, decriminalise drugs that do sod-all harm but keep the crime of dealing drugs as illegal and ban fucking pokie machines - problem gambling does no good whatsoever to anyone

    Sorry - pissed rant over
    stumpy likes this.

  4. #64
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    C-mon guys... The whole E-cat firearms are more "deadlier" then A-cat is pointless. If you subscribe to this view then you are no better then the goofballs that thought up the legislation that a 'free standing' pistol grip makes a semi more... More what? Deadlier!? No way.

    That whole outcome was an absolute monstrosity to law abiding FAL owners.

    How can an Ecat AR be more deadlier then an Acat? They both fire .223/5.56 except one can legally own standard capacity mags, the other can't. Mag change takes 2 seconds who cares. It's a pointless argument.
    tetawa and Jexla like this.

  5. #65
    Member chrome's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    I looked it up in a dictionary

    "bulky in figure; heavily built; corpulent; thickset; fat:"

    Stout = Short and fat........(or its a beer...)
    Hey that's me.

    Sent from the swamp

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrome View Post
    Hey that's me.

    Sent from the swamp
    Dont worry, I was not having a dig. I am the definition of stout myself....

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jexla View Post
    You're thick, I have finally found my signature. I won't bother arguing with you.
    When one stoops to ad hominem attacks the argument's already lost.

  8. #68
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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  9. #69
    Member 199p's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    C-mon guys... The whole E-cat firearms are more "deadlier" then A-cat is pointless. If you subscribe to this view then you are no better then the goofballs that thought up the legislation that a 'free standing' pistol grip makes a semi more... More what? Deadlier!? No way.

    That whole outcome was an absolute monstrosity to law abiding FAL owners.

    How can an Ecat AR be more deadlier then an Acat? They both fire .223/5.56 except one can legally own standard capacity mags, the other can't. Mag change takes 2 seconds who cares. It's a pointless argument.
    I think what the police where trying to do its make all ar15 ak types e cat

    weather you agree or not doesn't matter imagine someone having a few ar15's in a locked wooden cupboard or with a bike chain to the hot water cylinder how easy it would be for them to be stolen.
    As a firearm owner I don't want that type of problem to be there in the 1st place.

    I would rather see E-cat security being the minimum standard across the board,
    Way better then what they trying to achieve having every semi auto firearm regarded as E-cat.

    Sometimes people have to step back and see the bigger picture

  10. #70
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I think they would need to water down the requirements a little. All good having a 6mm safe as a standard, but it isn't realistic for a lot of people to meet the standards required to fix them to the premise.

    And lets not forget that a determined gun theif will get in with tools and time.
    Jexla likes this.

  11. #71
    By Popular Demand gimp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beavis View Post
    We should introduce warrentless searches for anybody known to be associated with organised criminal gangs. MSSA owners are burdened with this so why the fuck can't we do it to gang members.
    no no fuck no
    Steve123 and Jexla like this.

  12. #72
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gimp View Post
    no no fuck no
    I agree, who determines what is association?

  13. #73
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    Thanks for the responses guy - As entering the scene from a background with little to no firearms exposure simply chucking a cable around a post never came into the picture. I agree that A-cat minimum requirements should be raised to align a legal requirement with what I percieve as a moral obligation. While I also agree that they will not stop a determined theif, if it stops an oppertunistic one then everyone wins.

  14. #74
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    i have a my A cat safe made of 1.5mm folded steel. recessed door, full length internal hinge, electronic combo lock with 2 20mm sliding bolts. bolted down to wall and floor.
    its in an alarmed house with a dogo cross brit bully in the back yard. i consider this beyond what should be required for any A cat firearm including ar15's
    remember that if we give the cops an inch they will take a mile, ar15's today and it will be 10/22's tomorrow
    Jexla and Fawls like this.

  15. #75
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonetropo View Post
    i have a my A cat safe made of 1.5mm folded steel. recessed door, full length internal hinge, electronic combo lock with 2 20mm sliding bolts. bolted down to wall and floor.
    its in an alarmed house with a dogo cross brit bully in the back yard. i consider this beyond what should be required for any A cat firearm including ar15's
    remember that if we give the cops an inch they will take a mile, ar15's today and it will be 10/22's tomorrow
    They can do a buy back on my 10/22 for the right price, over priced pieces of crap that they are



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