I recently had my 20 year FAL renewal. It took 9 months from application to actual licence being renewed...Good job Police, very efficient. Lucky my company does not take as long to do things or I would be broke. Anyway...a lot of dumb questions like " what to you think of your ex wife and how do you get on with her. I said I hated the bitch and we never spoke. Later I decided that was not the correct answer but then it was too late. Anyway, I have a large gun storage area that conforms to E Cat, even though I only have A cats. Anyways the interrogation started then, she wanted models and makes and calibers. I was very unhappy about it and questioned it, she stated it was policy now, I asked whos policy and she said her senior FAL officers. Everything I said or did was scribbled down on her documents. She did eventually get all gun makes and models. She then started on collecting serial numbers and I said, " seriously ???? now we have to start again" and she lost interest. Since then , me being me have decided its time to get rid of a lot of my guns and re invest in others. At no stage during the interview was I privy to what she was writing down, she got me to sign it without giving me fair time to read it and then left. I do wonder how stupid I was to sign it. But the whole time I was trying not to piss her off and when she was queried it did not go down that well. Police over step...yes.