Thats not pleasant..Its not just the Vetter, its the Police as a whole. More over the past years I have been feeling more and more "watched". I have been contacted by the Police for putting my business address on a NZ Visa entry card and was accused of breaking the law by moving and not advising them. Additionally to note I am 50. Never been in any trouble and then this happens.... I had an altercation with a neighbour, nothing serious just swore at him and gave him the finger. Anyway I get a phone call from the Police, wanting "a friendly little chat" . So I went to the Police station as asked and was promptly moved to a private room and read my rights. I was then told that the neighbour had made a complaint about me and BECAUSE I had a FAL they decided to interview me. I spent the next hour explaining myself like I was a criminal. I eventually proved that the person lied and was escorted out. When was it that a law abiding gun owner became a criminal waiting to happen ?
But they don't know you, would you suggest that the police don't investigate those situations?
Domestic situations, families neighbours are the majority cause of serious outcomes...
What is the solution to that do you think? How would you feel if your daughter had a potentially dodgy neighbour with a FAL and the police didn't check it out after she made a complaint?
Stug is general... but that decision has to be based on what impression you want to convey. Refusal to talk increases interest..