Originally Posted by
Ah come on Gadget..
You know that just saying its wrong isn't actually an argument... and your own definition posted above says exactly that...
Now at some point, being an engineer must give you cause to pause and examine where your expertise really lies... I'm quite happy to give credit where its due..
And by the way... show me where secrecy is a requirement...
Also legal definition of words are not different to the common meanings, they are just are contextualised or more specific and defined to clarify what is intended for the application that they are being used in. So when the legal meaning as defined says that "conspiracy" = an agreement between two or more people, with a formed intent to commit a crime, who act in a way that shows more that mere preparation has taken place....
then that is exactly true in the general usage as well.... an agreement to do something wrong or harmful or illegal, and some sort of act/s that shows that to be true is is the general application...
and guess what, you can't have your cake and eat it too..... people used "conspiracy" to imply illegality, and they did that here. You can't do that and then say thats not what it means... what would be the point if not to claim that?