Originally Posted by
except that they don't both fit... and that is the argument. Your meaning fits in a metaphoric sense to non legal situations, but no its not appropriate in this one.
we don't talk about a cabinet meeting as a conspiracy meeting. Looney green politicians might, sort of why they are looney. Nor do we talk about strategy and planning meetings as conspiracy meeting, private or not... those meetings create advantage and disadvantage for people on every occasion and its inappropriate to use it then...
we only use that term, to imply illegality and or illegitimacy which was exactly the intention in this discussion. Now when I question whether that illegality or illigitimacy actually exists, you're fall back position is that it didn't actually mean that...?? and apparently "undermine" and "disadvantage" are now the measure??
Show me that definition...
its common usage is to imply illegality and illigitimacy.... or intended illegality... which is precisely how it was used and intended...
c'mon ..... the misapplication is obvious and not even useful. It demeans the significance of the word. Save it for obvious corruption not just policy you don't like or attempts to change the law you are not happy about.