oh sorry, I must have missed the bit in the dictionary that said I should give all due consideration to what you think....
so just below this text is a picture of me giving all due consideration.... can u see the look on my face?
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If you want to have any sort of impact, how about not using language that is inflammatory or ruins our credibility...
You want to talk to people that make laws? quit the emotional exageration and learn what is meant by the words you use, because you see, they understand what conspiracy means and they know what is implied when you use words like that. Their next assumption is that they are talking to a bunch of hicks.
Choose the words that are appropriate to the subject matter and secondly apropriate to your audience....
Learn what you don't know... thats always a good start.. I don't know much about electronics, but then again I never claimed to...
You people need all the friends you can get in this area, its only going to get worse... but hey what do I know?... perhaps you could consult an engineer?
It's all a big conspiracy after all :D
great job actually....
she's impressive, shows an ability to cut throught the BS and willingness to accept the scruitiny that comes with...
might pay to try and keep her in the job....
Thats a reasonable outcome, maybe, especially as its pre election. And to Paula Bennett, thank you for at least listening to what we had to say. NOW as for that other BS in the NZPA Press release, I aint got the time to go through it cos as far as I'm concerned its been written by a blatant liar, but how much of those statistics that hes rolled out are actually true? Or is it just another bunch of porkies fed to Joe public by a consumate liar?
Sidney - I agree with what you point out here, it makes sense and is reasonable; but it must get awfully cold and lonely up there in your ivory tower...
Your opinion is the same as ours until it is tested in court (albeit there is some precedent yadayadayada about interpretation and all that crap).
People are upset about the current approach, I'm sure you get this - but acting like Systolic dishing out your thoughts discounts your opinion (it may be right - but as you have acknowledged - your communication needs work if people are to avoid discounting it as pedantic "wankery").
Back on topic - and climbing down from my own ivory tower - don't be a dick; thanks for the free legal advice (I'm assuming your qualified and not a student pushing the boundaries...):cool:
We've been compared to the NRA thanks to being an active community and thanks to social media.
For anyone who missed Cahill on the radio today:
Police: Rejection of firearms advice will mean 'more people being shot'
haven't given any legal advice fella.. just basic communication skills...
you can discount my opinion as much as you want, provided of course you can provide a real argument to do so. Thats the system fella..
in so far as pedantic wankery is concerned, you could assume that smarter people might know when to not engage with experts in it.....
Oh Sidney. Did you really? Did you stoop to cheap inuendo, along with petty attempts to name call/put down? Along with total failure at mind reading! That is indeed a measure of the man that completely runs out of valid argument. Very poor loosing form chap.
For the last time, there need not be any illegality, so your threshold does not apply. I have put so much straight in front of you that you choose to ignore but everyone else can see.
You will make a great lawyer.
Hope this reads Ok, I'm laughing so much my eyes are watering and I can barely see.