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Thread: New week, new 'Ultra Vires' Police Action

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    New week, new 'Ultra Vires' Police Action

    We have all be discussing the recent 'update' to the Police Arms Code. We noticed the Police attempting to impose new 'requirements' upon firearm owners. Apparently this was merely a 'drafting error'. Most of us cast a dim view on that being accurate.

    Looks like the NZ Police have produced yet another 'drafting error'.
    Name:  Police WS -30.05.17.jpg
Views: 1211
Size:  110.7 KB
    Arms Code | New Zealand Police

    What legislative change has there been since 2013, that affects mail order purchases? (hint:none)

    So purchasing an endorsed firearm now requires a s43a Police Order Form too? Really? Um no...
    43A Mail order sale of firearm or ammunition

    (1) Every person commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $1,000 who sells by mail order a firearm or any ammunition for a firearm or restricted weapon otherwise than pursuant to a written order—
    (a) signed by the purchaser; and
    (b) bearing an endorsement signed by a member of the Police and stating that the member of the Police—
    (i) has inspected the purchaser’s firearms licence; and
    (ii) is satisfied that the purchaser is a fit and proper person to purchase that firearm or ammunition.

    (2) Nothing in this section applies in relation to—
    (a) any pistol, restricted weapon, or military style semi-automatic firearm
    ; or
    (b) any ammunition for a firearm to which paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) or paragraph (c) of section 22(1) applies.

    The law explicitly states that you do not need a s43a Police Order Form for endorsed firearms, as it is already covered by the permit to procure system of s35.

    It's bad enough when the Police make up their own 'requirements', its another matter entirely when they attempt to overrule the actual law.
    veitnamcam, Ryan, Shearer and 1 others like this.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    The list just keeps getting longer... There's certainly no lack of evidence of their callous disregard for the law and due process should they ever be challenged in court.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    The National Govt gives a twat about firearms holders rights.FFS the looney toon Smith dude believes lowering water quality standards improves them.Most MP's are from the highly urbanised areas and do not understand what a gun is unless they can drum up votes by creating hysteria about lawlessness. The majority of illegal deaths in NZ do not come from A cat or E cat firearms; in fact they are extremely rare.The difficulty is that the police never provide proof of their assertions. Simply moronic drivel that the media reproduce which is usually reprinting police handouts.

  4. #4
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    The Forest
    Sounds like to make it so slow people wont even bother.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by TeRei View Post
    The National Govt gives a twat about firearms holders rights.FFS the looney toon Smith dude believes lowering water quality standards improves them.Most MP's are from the highly urbanised areas and do not understand what a gun is unless they can drum up votes by creating hysteria about lawlessness. The majority of illegal deaths in NZ do not come from A cat or E cat firearms; in fact they are extremely rare.The difficulty is that the police never provide proof of their assertions. Simply moronic drivel that the media reproduce which is usually reprinting police handouts.

    The problem is the police just lie. To the politicians and the public because they have some sort of hysteria about lawful owners. I do not trust or have any faith in the nz police, as a result of their recent actions.

  6. #6
    Member Jexla's Avatar
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    LAFAO's have little trust in the ability of the police to administer the arms act. I say it's time it's taken from them and a new entity is made to do so.
    veitnamcam, gadgetman and Tommy like this.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Land of the Long White Cloud
    Quote Originally Posted by Danger Mouse View Post
    The problem is the police just lie. To the politicians and the public because they have some sort of hysteria about lawful owners. I do not trust or have any faith in the nz police, as a result of their recent actions.
    Have you made a complaint to anyone who can do anything about it?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mauser308 View Post
    Yeah - you tell us who will do something about it without having to go to the court system and we will. At this stage we as the LAFAO (law abiding firearms owners) are running out of trust patience and respect for the people who are tasked with administering this system.

    If they don't have to respect and obey the law that they are tasked with administering why should the rest of NZ?

    Its becoming more and more obvious that the nz police just make s&^t up, and lie their way through the job, with a dash of incompetence. Quite a few people need to lose their job.
    veitnamcam, mikee, hamsav and 2 others like this.

  9. #9
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    Christchuch New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by Danger Mouse View Post
    Its becoming more and more obvious that the nz police just make s&^t up, and lie their way through the job, with a dash of incompetence. Quite a few people need to lose their job.
    I dont disagree. Problem is; the ones who need to lose their job because they are making these decisions are the ones who DO the firing. (the top cheese) What happens is the ones who follow law and point the mistake out to these idiots are the ones more likely to be on the chopping so to speak....and these are the very ones we need to stay as Police.

  10. #10
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    "Anecdotal evidence" is that Police overseas recruiting a number of years ago has now seen many of these ex UK bobbies rise up the ranks to senior NZ police positions.
    They now see fit to bring UK gun laws here and seem intent on manufacturing reasons to do so.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2012

    Police are now reclassifying all imported AR15's as MSSA's

    Source: https://www.facebook.com/firearmownersunitednz/

    Police are now reclassifying all imported AR15's as MSSA's.

    Police have once again overreached their authority. As of today, dealers now need to apply for an E cat import permit to bring in A Category AR15's. This effectively allows police to apply the special reason requirement to all AR imports. If police don't think you have a need for an A cat AR15 then they will decline your application.

    Police are attempting to declare guns which are not, by definition MSSA's, as MSSA's. We suspect this is a precursor to declaring all AR15's as MSSA's utilizing Polices power to create their own laws with an Order In Council. Paula Bennett once again the police are running amok under your watch, inventing law through groundless policy. We recently saw this with the Arms Code 2017. Now you are allowing police to redefine a type of gun.

    Stuart Nash MP you have talked to FOUNZ about removing police's ability to make law at will with an Order in Council. We suggest they may not be far off, again attempting to subvert the parliamentary law making process. It might be time for opposition parties to stand up to the police state we are descending into.

    Ron Mark - NZ First MP, Richard Prosser MP - New Zealand First List MP, as per your policy, we need to remove police from administering the Arms Act. They are incompetent. They are now a law unto themselves.
    gadgetman and gonetropo like this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Land of the Long White Cloud
    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan View Post
    Source: https://www.facebook.com/firearmownersunitednz/

    Police are now reclassifying all imported AR15's as MSSA's.

    Police have once again overreached their authority. As of today, dealers now need to apply for an E cat import permit to bring in A Category AR15's. This effectively allows police to apply the special reason requirement to all AR imports. If police don't think you have a need for an A cat AR15 then they will decline your application.

    Police are attempting to declare guns which are not, by definition MSSA's, as MSSA's. We suspect this is a precursor to declaring all AR15's as MSSA's utilizing Polices power to create their own laws with an Order In Council. Paula Bennett once again the police are running amok under your watch, inventing law through groundless policy. We recently saw this with the Arms Code 2017. Now you are allowing police to redefine a type of gun.

    Stuart Nash MP you have talked to FOUNZ about removing police's ability to make law at will with an Order in Council. We suggest they may not be far off, again attempting to subvert the parliamentary law making process. It might be time for opposition parties to stand up to the police state we are descending into.

    Ron Mark - NZ First MP, Richard Prosser MP - New Zealand First List MP, as per your policy, we need to remove police from administering the Arms Act. They are incompetent. They are now a law unto themselves.
    Isn't that exactly why the cops wanted that new section put into the Arms Act?

    Putting a section into law and then using that section? Blind Freddie could have seen that coming?

  13. #13
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    So they are just going ahead and doing it law change or not.

  14. #14
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    I think police HQ have well and truely shown their hand.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Isn't that exactly why the cops wanted that new section put into the Arms Act?

    Putting a section into law and then using that section? Blind Freddie could have seen that coming?
    veitnamcam, mikee, Nickoli and 1 others like this.



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