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Thread: No F.A.L No Worries

  1. #1
    Member seano's Avatar
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    No F.A.L No Worries

    Visited a local gun store ,that i normally avoid like the plague !
    I haggled on price as I always do there ... purchased few slabs shotgun ammo and slab 9mm ....
    Payed my money picked up my goods and drove home ,,, once home it "Dawned on me" the shop assistant FAILED to ask for nor check my F.A.L ... I felt a little uneasy at first,thinking how could this happen?
    I have never seen the bloke who served me before in my life or does he know me or know of me indirectly ...


    ***Disclaimer I do hold my own current F.A.L including endorsements***

  2. #2
    res is offline
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    If it's the shop I think, I thought there computer system prompts them to check? Even if they know you they are supposed to check license as they do get cancelled in people from time to time

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  3. #3
    A Good Keen Girl Dougie's Avatar
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    On the flip side.... Very proud of a friend of mine who is a young shop assistant. He required to sight a customer's FAL and noticed it was a bit odd that the chap would present it but not let me mate actually take it off him...

    Old eagle eyes noted that the colour of the licence was different and on further inspection found it was expired the goods were not sold until the customer obtained his current licence.

    Well done Mitch at Rivers to Ranges, makes a big sister proud

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    She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.

    Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt

  4. #4
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Actually Dougie- my one has expired altho im cleared for a new one via CHCH FAL office as i rang about it being the anal bastard i am.
    the ladies advice (she deals exclusively in the renewals)-carry your present one (expired) ,but also drivers license etc so if any doubt the person enquiring can ring police who will verify fact Im still awaiting printing and delivery of my new one.
    VO told me that once approved Id get an email from CHCH AO office to authenticate me till new one arrived -but this lady said nup dont happen in her parish.!
    regardless tho good on the young bugger (must be like big sis)for being so switched on and standing his ground,with a customer who was either lazy re getting the bloody thing renewed-if he was in my position surely hed explain the situation on being challenged or perhaps thought he'd put one across store staff especially young ones.
    actuallly OPs store if im guessing correctly -i was present one day when a real knob came in and ordered a shit load of centrefire ammo.out comes credit card-serving staff says "sorry Sir FAL first please-thats the law..".knob cheese hit the roof.in comes Ms Olympic trapshooter-"do not treat any staff like that ,leave the ammo-theres the door!"
    mr two yr old richlister went a deeper shade of purple and stomped out the door.mates son who works there ,looks at one and all"its one of those days!"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    Actually Dougie- my one has expired altho im cleared for a new one via CHCH FAL office as i rang about it being the anal bastard i am.
    the ladies advice (she deals exclusively in the renewals)-carry your present one (expired) ,but also drivers license etc so if any doubt the person enquiring can ring police who will verify fact Im still awaiting printing and delivery of my new one.
    VO told me that once approved Id get an email from CHCH AO office to authenticate me till new one arrived -but this lady said nup dont happen in her parish.!
    regardless tho good on the young bugger (must be like big sis)for being so switched on and standing his ground,with a customer who was either lazy re getting the bloody thing renewed-if he was in my position surely hed explain the situation on being challenged or perhaps thought he'd put one across store staff especially young ones.
    actuallly OPs store if im guessing correctly -i was present one day when a real knob came in and ordered a shit load of centrefire ammo.out comes credit card-serving staff says "sorry Sir FAL first please-thats the law..".knob cheese hit the roof.in comes Ms Olympic trapshooter-"do not treat any staff like that ,leave the ammo-theres the door!"
    mr two yr old richlister went a deeper shade of purple and stomped out the door.mates son who works there ,looks at one and all"its one of those days!"
    Good on them. While I am all for placating a customer there are some customers that cannot be dealt with and at some point the decision has to be made that a particular customer is doing more harm than they are worth as a customer.

    While I work in an entirely different trade, I too have had some of those situations. And there are some situations that REQUIRE that sort of customer interaction. I suspect we get them a bit more frequently than afore non mentioned gunshop, as they would not usually have alcohol fuelling the customer as well. At one point a while back I had a couple of suits being what can only be described as absolute arseholes. Increasingly rude to staff and even educed one of my staff to tears. We asked them to leave (When approaching customers we always have back up on hand just in case. They refused and said, "I'm in the media and he's a lawyer" as though they were allowed to behave that way. Without flinching, the security person turned to the lawyer and calmly replied " You're a lawyer? Then you will already know how a trespass order works" and started writing. They left very quickly and were not ALLOWED to return. No-one treats our staff like that either.

  6. #6
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    We have a simple policy no license, no ammo, out of date, then they have to go to the police station and return with a authorised form, had a guy in late Friday , going duck hunting Saturday morning, forgot his license no ammo sorry
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  7. #7
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    I have also bought ammunition from "that store" and they didn't ask for my licence, its happened twice now, and the second time I actually had my license in my hand and attempted to pass it to the assistant and was told "nah, youre right mate" ......

  8. #8
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    They'd better get their shit sorted out before media read this and try a purchase sting
    Pengy, seano and 223nut like this.

  9. #9
    Member seano's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kscott View Post
    They'd better get their shit sorted out before media read this and try a purchase sting
    Guess theyre lucky im not into... Tweeting,Blogging/Vlogging/#Everything/Instagram/Or what ever the kids use these days .... Christs sake ive just stopped using Internet Explorer as my web browser LOL

  10. #10
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    Don't worry about " HEATHER" she's too tied up defending herself for the comments she made on shellfish shell burial grounds and Ngaruawahia

  11. #11
    res is offline
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    Yea, she can't help herself

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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by res View Post
    Yea, she can't help herself

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    She couldn't if she tried......I can almost stand watcihing with Duncan (but only just) when she was away...but now shes back I change channel. It is depressing to think in a country as varied as wonderful as ours, the she is the best TV3 can do in prime time.....I mean I never liked Campbell, but now he is gone and we have her instead, I really would rather have Campbell back, please.....

    More proof that you should be careful what you wish for, you might just get it and it wont be what you wanted.....

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    ^ this.

    But back on track, here's hoping the shop involved are aware of the issue, otherwise it's a cluster waiting to happen.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Maybe make them aware for the sake of All f.a.l. Holders
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kscott View Post
    ^ this.

    But back on track, here's hoping the shop involved are aware of the issue, otherwise it's a cluster waiting to happen.
    This is the thing. The shop's owner/manager needs to know that this has happened. Just reporting it on here is not enough.

    (sorry .223nut, reading back you said the same thing)



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