Maybe not a requirement to tag them, but if they were tagged then there was a legal leg stand on as far as getting the law involved to help solve the issues he's been having for years and years... don't get me wrong, I'm not defending or attacking any of the parties involved, i just feel that steps could've been taken to make this an unlikely occurrence as opposed to an inevitability. With things being the way they were, there was always going to be an escalation from one party or the other. As far as pets go, it's a bot odd to have hundreds if pigs living through shacks and an abandoned house, kind of like the anecdotal crazy cat lady, not wrong or right but there's some sort of imbalance in my opinion if that's the state one ends up in.. most people who have pets can service those pets they care for, in this case, i don't think they were serviceable of they were wondering the road and at the whims of hooligans to help themselves to. I know this sounds like I'm attacking the old fella, I'm defending my view of the facts as I've seen them through my own eyes. It would be great if we could live our lives without harassment from the dickheads but we just can't, we have to take steps to ensure that the dickhwads don't put us in positions that jeopardize our own freedoms and lives