Combined with the time of year when others are looking for some well fed Christmas ham, a bad mix.
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The newshub report from 7 years ago (on YouTube) will go some way to demonstrate that this is a long standing issue and the police have done nothing after all his reports.
Shooting someone is never justified, but many years of this have obviously culminated in the inevitable - something the police should have seen as a likely outcome
Untill the findings are released I think it's best not to speculate. That's for the courts to decide and sadly one person has lost their life.
how long will it be after police crime scene guard leaves before the local scum deal to his stock .
Reminds me of a farmer up north (I think) that was constantly getting gear stolen, he fired a shotgun in their direction and someone got hit (not fataly as far as I remember-but I could be wrong). The farmer had to move to Oz & his land wouldn't sell because it was make known that the next owner would be a target of the same scum.
As already said, shit show for all involved
I think the term Farmer is being rather over used in this case,
Is there a legal threshold on the definition between stock vs wild animals? Gotta be yes? Not that it effects this situation of course.
A pretty grim reminder of what poaching can entail
After coursing the community groups it seems he had recently been harassed by some mobsters known for poaching his animals and staunching him out, compounded with the rest of his issues with locals running his pigs down and the general poaching seems the old gent simply had enough of nothing being done and seeing another pig in the process of being taken was the last straw.
That is speculation from the coromandel community page on Facebook and shouldn’t be taken as word, but it certainly provides the catalyst for an event like this.
I can only imagine the frustration of going to the police time and time again and nothing ever being done and being continuously humiliated by poachers and vandals, and having to literally clean up the insides after them.
Ultimately unfortunate that life or lives have been lost, it’s never ideal, or the outcome anyone should anticipate but clearly it had been brewing for a while over some years.
Seems he’s already been charged Attachment 265107
Also another example of NZ police’s gold standard reactive policing, you’d think they’d have learned by now.
It's still Invasion of Private Property, Armed Trespass, call it what you will but it is way past Breaking & Entering or a Burglary definition. This is "Entitled" Behaviour in the extreme and the consequences for that entitlement have been extreme. Regardless whether he's a Farmer or not, that could be any one of us on any given day and Home Owners/Property Owners should Not have to put up with it. The End.
There seems to be a theme here that what ever happened is justifiable or was inevitable. Really??
As an ordinary citizen and a lawful gun owner that notion sickens me.
Even if they are wild animals, I don't believe that gives you right to take game on private property without permission.
They whole thing is a damn shame. There seems to have been a fair bit of lawless activity in that area of late, 3 or 4 weeks ago there was a carjacking, and a high speed chase involving a ute with a caravan and the police chopper.
I've fed those pigs on several occasions and without wanting to be critical, they wouldn't be my first choice if I was looking for prime pork.
that was out of towners on a bit of a crime spree...... up there was where it finished not where it started......
but yes there are some feral types and a degree of lawlessness up there on and around the 309...we knew something was up when half a dozen skodys went flying past work and all you could glimpse was kitted up cops and buttstocks thru the windows.i get annoyed with the medias take when things like this happen citing "tight knit community" blabla what a crock of shit i noticed on the footage a couple of burnt out utes .
the details will start leaking out over the next few weeks because people cant help themselves they all like to pride themselves on knowing everything about sure other parts of nz are the same