I can’t say I understand the I’ll wear camouflage so no one will see me idea.
Camouflage clothing does not make you invisible. If you are moving the human eye will still see you. If you make noise the human ear will still hear you. If you move a bush it will still be seen. Camouflage clothing would only be an advantage if you stopped moving i.e. you thought something / someone else was there. Planning for this to be the case out in the bush means you are putting your faith more in your ability to silently hunt and detect another hunter in the bush before they detect you. Chances are if they hear you moving or see you brush by a bush they will stop moving until they know what you are… chances are if they don’t know what you are they will try and ID you through their scope…
Rather than simply rely on my stalking ability I try to stack the odds in my favour by wearing blaze clothing. Not just a hat but a full blaze orange shirt with a black camo pattern. Yes, people have been shot wearing blaze. I remember reading somewhere that in the excitement of the moment the brain can “see what it wants to see” or “see what it expects to see”. I wonder if it is more or less likely to do this with blaze or camouflage clothing or simply at darker shade skin… or the hair on someone’s head…