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Thread: Nz Cosmoline?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Home - mainland nz, actual - Auckland

    Nz Cosmoline?

    So what's the best stuff to put on a firearm for long term storage, that's available in NZ?

    I have a u/o 12g, that needs some long term care... .
    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  2. #2
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Beaker View Post
    So what's the best stuff to put on a firearm for long term storage, that's available in NZ?

    I have a u/o 12g, that needs some long term care... .
    Oh really???
    sako75, Maca49, S.E.G and 1 others like this.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 300CALMAN View Post
    Oh really???
    The Fucking thing has left me with a bruised shoulder....
    (To be fare I didn't tuck it in tight, and it slapped me) and I won't be shooting it for a while, just want a modern long term storage product, I really like lanox, but is it the Best thing?
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    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  4. #4
    Unapologetic gun slut dannyb's Avatar
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    Harden up, this was my shoulder after opening day on ducks, went out and shot the next 3 days
    Name:  IMG_20190506_161517.jpg
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    Would be interested to know what others do though for medium to long term protection as my shotty is soley for birds so doesn't get used much out of season
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  5. #5
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    There is a crc fish product which is a sort of thick grease oil. Or maybe a can full of lanolin oil.
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  6. #6
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    spreydon christcurch.
    get hold of ya friendly locomotive society -some of that train grease would keep the titanic waterproof dfor the next 10000years!
    go to supercheap etcetc get a cartridge of lithium grease and slather it on.
    supermarkets and some of that personal lubrication at a long shot.BTW-sore shoulder brigade -pick up an old jandal spend an afternoon in ya shed and voila a DIYrecoil pad -guess what they work Ive made 3 for rifle and shotty!
    rugerman, Beaker, Steve123 and 2 others like this.

  7. #7
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    reloader supplies in Dorkland sell a product called FLUNA TEC gun coating it,s nanotechnology good shit I put it on at the start of the duck season and sprayed on my shotgun inside and out up the barrel and you will not have to clean off when you want to unwhimp yourself and work up the courage to pull the trigger again here's what it said on the can
    Fluna Tec gun coating maintains long-lasting weapon performance and accuracy. provides highly effective protection against wear. the residue-free solid lubricant protects the weapon from corrosion does not affect the first shot after lubrication and increases gun safety.
    CHARACTERISTICS: Transparent, residue-free-highly lubricating, leaving a satin finish.no resinification.resistant to salt and fresh water extremely temperature-resistant -40c to +750c.
    protects from corrosion.excellent long-term effect. highly efficient even in gun barrels and firing chambers. improves the shooting performance by smoothing out fissures and grooves iin the metal or plastic surfaces. high economical.
    it stopped my guns going rusty in my gun safe in winter and 1 spray can does about 3 guns and lasts a year before having to recoat them and made cleaning after using them real quick and easy
    Beaker, Moa Hunter, rewa and 1 others like this.

  8. #8
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Also for rubbing your shoulders.

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  9. #9
    Lovin Facebook for hunters kiwijames's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dannyb View Post
    Harden up, this was my shoulder after opening day on ducks, went out and shot the next 3 days
    Attachment 114990
    Would be interested to know what others do though for medium to long term protection as my shotty is soley for birds so doesn't get used much out of season
    WTF on a phone that picture at a brief glace looks like a little dick pic.
    Boaraxa, Steve123, 40mm and 2 others like this.
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Use a product called CorrosionX. It comes in a red can and a green can. For really long term storage use the green can. It is thick and sticky and will coat everything in a thick layer. This will need cleaning before use however. The one in the red can is great to clean, protect and store your firearm until the season rolls around again. You won't need to clean it before use. Use in place of gun oil or bright bore, it does everything. I cleaned a rifle using normal cleaners then I redid t with CorrosionX and it was amazing how dirty the wipes came out even after it had been cleaned using other products. I use it in the marine game and the results are very impressive.

    CorrosionX was actually developed for the US Navy to clean and protect rail guns on ships. These guns sit there on the deck of a ship covered in sea spray for months at a time but need to be able to light up and fire instantly. It will look to cover metal through wicking so any bits you miss will eventually end up with a thin film on them. It's also highly effective for cleaning bores as it will get in under any crap that is left in rifling and lift it.

    Cosmoline is used to store firearms for decades. I know of people who have found firearms stored under ground for 70 years and are as good as they day they were stored. However it takes a lot of cleaning before use. You would only use cosmoline if you wanted to bury a firearm long term.

    You can get in pump spray and aerosol. The pump spray is the best one to get for cleaning firearms. I don't use anything else now.
    Moa Hunter, rewa, dannyb and 1 others like this.
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  11. #11
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gordo View Post
    Use a product called CorrosionX. It comes in a red can and a green can. For really long term storage use the green can. It is thick and sticky and will coat everything in a thick layer. This will need cleaning before use however. The one in the red can is great to clean, protect and store your firearm until the season rolls around again. You won't need to clean it before use. Use in place of gun oil or bright bore, it does everything. I cleaned a rifle using normal cleaners then I redid t with CorrosionX and it was amazing how dirty the wipes came out even after it had been cleaned using other products. I use it in the marine game and the results are very impressive.

    CorrosionX was actually developed for the US Navy to clean and protect rail guns on ships. These guns sit there on the deck of a ship covered in sea spray for months at a time but need to be able to light up and fire instantly. It will look to cover metal through wicking so any bits you miss will eventually end up with a thin film on them. It's also highly effective for cleaning bores as it will get in under any crap that is left in rifling and lift it.

    Cosmoline is used to store firearms for decades. I know of people who have found firearms stored under ground for 70 years and are as good as they day they were stored. However it takes a lot of cleaning before use. You would only use cosmoline if you wanted to bury a firearm long term.

    You can get in pump spray and aerosol. The pump spray is the best one to get for cleaning firearms. I don't use anything else now.
    Who stocks it?

    Sent from my SM-G390Y using Tapatalk

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    Who stocks it?

    Sent from my SM-G390Y using Tapatalk
    Google it online. Some marine shops stock it and some engineering supplies. The agent in Auckland is Reid Yacht Services, Mr Google will put you in touch with them.

    Gun control is using both hands

  13. #13
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Cheers the red can stuff sounds good.

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  14. #14
    Member Beavis's Avatar
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    You could use denso if you don't plan on shooting it again for a while. It's probably the closest thing you would get to cosmoline easily. A bit over kill though. A dehumidifier for the safe is the best idea.
    Last edited by Beavis; 09-07-2019 at 08:03 PM.

  15. #15
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    its no wonder you got bruised...... you had shotgun on the wrong shoulder. CRC make a long life product.....
    dannyb likes this.



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