If more people / children are introduced to firearms in a safe manner then this must be a good thing.
Not sure about the photographer taking a photo from the target looking towards shooters.....
I agree we dont need an American gun culture,NZ has its own proud gun culture and history.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Yeah I saw that too, more anti gun crap from stuff. Nz will never have an "American gun culture" due to a fairly robust licensing system and no first amendment etc
I think it could be a good thing if taught responsibly. Risk assessment is not taught these days. Kids are wrapped in cotton wool, but are given a high powered car when they turn 16 or 18.
Buy the slug rifle, teach them, supervision is key. Buy them a pocket knife, teach them risk assessment. New zealand was built by no.8 wire, 303's, and a can do attitude( well, south zealand anyway).
Wringing of hands and worrying them to death doesn't work.
Stop our kids turning into hippy frontbums now.
The best camouflage pattern is 'hold still and be quiet. '
I feel for the guy who lost his son to an air rifle shot, but also have to wonder if closer supervision and more education would have prevented it.
Plenty of youngster are killed and injured on the roads each year, but I don't hear the parents demanding that we ban motor vehicles.
There was way more to that case than an "accidental discharge".
Like my neighbour: Went off the deep end at me when I offered (to the husband) to take them to the small bore range. Kids were like 8 and 10, would have loved it. Nope, she lost her shit in a big way. Same stupid bint drives her two kids around on bald-as-fuck tyres on both their vehicles (a Captiva and a Passat), for well over a year. The Captiva was so bad you couldn't see a tread pattern anymore. But no, I'm the devil. Unreal.Plenty of youngster are killed and injured on the roads each year, but I don't hear the parents demanding that we ban motor vehicles.
Identify your target beyond all doubt
My thoughts exactly.
People get run over on the roads, they teach road safety at school. People drown in rivers and ocean, they teach water safety and swimming. None of these things are asked to be banned. Firearms use used to be taught in schools.
People have been killed here with axes, hammers and baseball bats, yet trees, buildings and baseball have not been asked to be banned. There have been a number of deaths with trees falling on people in the logging industry and log cartage accidents where safety awareness in now being taken more seriously. Why is it that firearms, where comparatively there are few deaths, are there calls for so many more restrictions?
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
Gun City should perhaps have urged parents to get their kids interested in guns, not for its own sake, but because it is a safer interest than pony riding, rugby, fast or slow cars, motorbikes, mountain bikes, skateboarding, couch fat kid potatoing etc.
One main reason that shooting is much safer is of course that most don't need reminders they easily kill.
An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch