Yesterday i brought a suppressor for my .308. Was told by the guys in the shop it was a 30cal bore. Got home threaded it on and got thing ready for a trip to the range today to see what sort of difference it would make. Get to the range set things up , chamber the first round. Im a bit paranoid with my rifles , so i decide to double check the bore on the suppressor by poking a round down the end(I unloaded the rifle first). Did not fit. The bore was 6mm. Hate to think what would have happened if i had pulled the trigger. Got that aweful sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach at the time.
The guys at the shop were extremely apologetic. After sorting things out as i was leaving they were writing the bore sizes on the boxes with a vivid. So hopefully wont happen to someone else.
Just a cautionary tale about always checking new gear before you use it.
Now im sure some will say "well you should of checked before leaving the house" yes i should have and lesson learned , thankfully not the hard way.