At the NZDA Hunts Course they showed how a Mauser action with a chambered round and the bolt half open will still fire on a trigger pull. A round firing with the bolt half open is not something most of us would want to experience. The practice apparently arose when many had Lee Enfield 303B where the half open bolt would not fire but could be quickly and quietly closed on sighting a target. The equivalent they recommended with a Mauser style action was to chamber the round, open the bolt fully but hold it foward in the action with a stout rubber band looped around the bolt handle and the front scope ring. The tension on the rubber band both holds the bolt forward so the round can't drop out and also prevents any rattling of the bolt. Best, the bolt is positioned to quietly close on the firing position with minimum movement. I thought the rubber band would be kind of naf and in the way but actually the technique I found works exceptionally well and is as safe as it gets.