I wouldnt hunt with someone who walks around with one up the spout all the time,regardless of the position of their bolt.Only takes 5 seconds to chamber a round.
I wouldnt hunt with someone who walks around with one up the spout all the time,regardless of the position of their bolt.Only takes 5 seconds to chamber a round.
Bushhunting I’m the same, round half chambered, lever half down and safety on, if hunting alone and I know a deer is close I’ll skip the safety and just have the lever part down, it’s under tension and if I let the lever go it flies open and the round (generally) pings out.
The Finnwolf sounds like a gravel crusher if you try to crank one up the spout from the mag.
Bolt actions? - it’s half open bolt if expecting a shot, otherwise full mag and empty chamber.
The rifle I got from Mickey Duck is a doozy for the half open bolt method as (like a Lee Enfield) it cocks on pushing the bolt forward, needs a good push forward to get to where you can pull the bolt handle down.
‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’