Send A reminder around all you club members and on the club Messenger or Facebook pages.
Done mine and at least 1son has done his 2still to complete, get on to your family members.
Send A reminder around all you club members and on the club Messenger or Facebook pages.
Done mine and at least 1son has done his 2still to complete, get on to your family members.
I'm not totally sure of the process but I expect there will be further consultation on the actual policy proposals. That will also be very important but we'll have a look at the actual spectrum of possibilities at that point
Do not wait until the last day.
The IT will over load and you won't be able to submit. Tin foil hat, but maybe the system won't be able to cope at the 11'th hour.
Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....
Did mine last week. Given what I learned today about the stupid and inadequate nature of “mail order form” which you have to use if you want to access transfer via D2D network I would have plenty more to say. In my case I’m not selling or buying, just wanting to use network to get broomstick to gunsmith. Spent 20in waiting to talk to human at NZ FSA, then another 20min talking with the guy at NZFSA to try and understand what is required. The person was trying their best to be helpful including getting FSA “expert” involved several times. What I concluded, and FSA agreed,they have one form designed for buy/sell that is the “mail order form”, and they want it used for anything & everything…. Even when it’s inaccurate and misleading in being applied to other situations?! Bureaucracy gone mad
If we don’t get our collective fingers out of our collective arseholes we are going to be done over by gun control nz and the little jihadis of the Green Party.
For fuks sake talk to your friends, family and like minded colleagues and ask them to submit something, even if it’s just to say they support submissions by NZDA, colfo or pnz.
This could be the beginning of the end if we are not careful.
800 Submissions is actually a reasonable number as far as many bits of legislation og.
I recall submitting on a matter regarding importation of SIV cars - I was only the third submitter and I only found out on the last day. The lady was very grateful for my efforts and inputs - and half my suggestions came through in the amendments.
So - what am I saying? - Every bit helps.
Done now and I'm only getting 4 hours sleep before work tomorrow but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't pull every lever available to let this pack of nonces know that they can stuff their gun grabbing fingers back in their shoplifting pockets
This stage is arguably more important than the actual law change to come. The policies that we get over the line now, will be in the first reading of the bill.
What we see in the first reading is basically what we will get. There will be some window dressing after the select committee stage, but the guts of it the same.
Some of the shooting orgs are putting in extremely detailed and extensive submissions, but they need weight of numbers to endorse their position. Whatever comes from this, Nicole needs to sell it to cabinet. She needs numbers on top of the quality submissions to sell it.
Where does it said only 800 submission have been made?
ACT party or Nicole McKee has been posting inrographics of submission number on FB every so often
Yes very disappointing numbers from the shooting community as a whole, this is a rare chance to have you say and many (in fact most) simply can’t be bothered.
Hell I have even seen posts on here with members endorsing a “you don’t need that type attitude”, we all need to post against this sort of influence !
That said I spoke with a mate last night who knew nothing about it and am getting him to post, so remember many don’t go on the web so phone around your mates and even offer help them submit.