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Thread: Opening bolt before handling rifle.

  1. #1
    Member 2gnscib's Avatar
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    Opening bolt before handling rifle.

    How many out there open bolts before handling firearms?
    I recently purchased a used rifle from a Hunting and Fishing store and the store assistant handed me the rifle without opening the bolt. Sure we all know itll be empty, but isnt it just good practice and safe to open and check the chamber? Look at all the youtube videos where shooters check and recheck the firearms while doing review and shooting videos.

    So do you actually do it?

  2. #2
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Common courtesy. I always check. Always always always. I trust only a very few people on planet earth, and even they must make mistakes sometimes. If it's a habit, you won't get caught out.

    If someone hands me one with the action closed, I'm not going to dance around and curse them, but it gets opened and checked immediately after being handed to me.
    DAF, dirtyhabit, Maca49 and 3 others like this.

  3. #3
    Gone But Not Forgotten Toby's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    I prefer being handed a loaded rifle so I dont have to waste my time loading it and can get right to the shooting
    kiwijames, BRADS, Gibo and 3 others like this.

  4. #4
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    we will hand over a loaded rifle telling receiver its loaded, at all other times bolt is opened/ action is broken

    my all time favourite way of showing WHY you need to do this is as follows
    you need a helper
    with group of young fellas/new shooters watching you unload firearm COMPLETELY showing them you have done so then lean it against something behind you,turn and face group and keep talking to them
    your helper loads a round into chamber and puts gun back in same place
    you turn around pick up gun stating"I just unloaded this so I KNOW its safe" then start moving it around
    as kids get nervous and start to speak
    point in safe direction and let it rip

    let me tell you undies will be soiled
    and lesson will NEVER be forgotton
    treat every firearm as loaded.
    gadgetman and Tommy like this.

  5. #5
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    Empty chambers kill

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    dirtyhabit likes this.
    Dont waste your time chasing every last fps, it doesnt matter in the real world, it wont make a difference, all it will do is cause head aches and frustrations. And dont listen to silly old cunts

  6. #6
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    It is when the gun is pointed toward a person that It can kill that person!

  7. #7
    Member Kooza's Avatar
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    Yep open chamber always. My dad told me to always approach people / huts etc with the bolt in your hand, makes it clear rifle is safe.
    Cyclops likes this.
    Went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.

  8. #8
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    I was taught to always pass a weapon with an open breach, the army teaches you to show the receiver the open breach before you hand it over. if the action is open there can't be any "accidents"

  9. #9
    P38 is offline
    Member P38's Avatar
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    I like to see the action open and the chamber clear before receiving a firearm for inspection.

    During Basic training we were taught not to accept a firearm from anyone until they had demonstrated it was in a safe condition to do so.

    This entailed opening the action and showing the receiving person that the chamber was in fact empty before passing it over.

    My old man had taught me this simple safety rule when I was a young fella ....guess he learned it during his stint in the Army.


  10. #10
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Definitely. Heard a couple of stories from gun-store owners who have revived a firearm to sell/trade only to find it had a round in it.

  11. #11
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    spreydon christcurch.
    I employ same army principle also.once ive unloaded or am out of ammo,do a visual of chamber and mag will say loudly" weapon empty" ,before pointing it well down the range and dryfire. (semi auto 12g)
    if Im using my rifles once round is in thechamber my signal to all Is "weapon is hot -about to fire."
    If weapon is finished with -empty chamber- mag off and placed in my pocket or my ammo container.
    thank christ i shoot with a sensible bunch and we all are kept informed of weapon states etc.we usually have a policy of only one person firing per time as well to keep it all simple.
    yes ive made couple of blues with my.22s years ago but still aint forgot the bloody rude shock i got!
    Shootin the kitchen lightbulb out(miscounted rounds in mag ,cocked on supposedly empty chamber to test scope clarity against imaginary possum)). whilst her indoors was cooking was not bloody conducive to good marital relationships ,let alone the rumpty side of it.
    i was classed lower than dogs,cats and the toilet can for week at least.
    serves me bloody right!!!!!!!
    Last edited by kotuku; 31-08-2015 at 12:27 AM.
    Pengy likes this.

  12. #12
    Member Driverman's Avatar
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  13. #13
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    About 1963 for a couple of years I worked for Tisdall's Sports (PNth) after school.

    Someone came in and slipped a Ramset blank into a .22 and left it cocked, and of course at some stage later a customer pulled the trigger. Fortunately it was still in the (public access) rack but it left a burn scald up the green wall paint from the muzzle. It could have easily been a live round, And it could have easily been pointed at someone.
    And it could happen at any time nowadays too. Sports shops need to remember this.

    Yup. Open the breach every time you are passed or pick up a firearm.
    Pengy likes this.

  14. #14
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2gnscib View Post
    ......... Sure we all know itll be empty, but isnt it just good practice and safe to open and check the chamber?.......
    That's the issue. We don't know it's empty until demonstrated that it is so. Some shop staff need to be more careful about this.
    zimmer likes this.

  15. #15
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Im often intrigued by staff members in some stores who hand a potential customer a weapon then wander away whilst the "customer "'shags about with it.
    i witnessed one recently where a bloke was handed a lovely mannlicher schaunoer rifle and in the midst of shagging about slamming the bolt shut etcetc in a orgy of pubescent excitement somehow managed to jam it. he had the bloody audacity to ask if they had a hammer to "get this POS open".I nearly bloody wept at the whole sorry episode .
    incidentally a older bloke escorted said irate customer out of the store shortly after.I sincerely hope the old bloke took the younger aside and had a few well chosen words!
    Skatieguy likes this.



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