A good result for farmer and cops. Hopefully the judge does something beyond a wet bus ticket when it goes to court.
A good result for farmer and cops. Hopefully the judge does something beyond a wet bus ticket when it goes to court.
Haha would not be surprise if it’s someone on this forum! Dumb way to lose your FAL etc etc.
All three of them ha bloody ha. Good job.
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
So who got to keep the animal?
Really?? Is a scungy old stag worth all the grief. Good result in the end though
Blimey you could go to a deer farm and buy yearling for a few hundy=tank of gas
Awesome result could be some cheap rifles coming up for sale.
Great stuff, I hope they get right royally Rodgered. Should have seized the ute too in my opinion.