I don't think that is strictly correct. I've copied below an extract from Pistol NZ memo to clubs. "Scheduled shooting activities" count. It does seem odd that they don't count away competitions. Your secretary/club will have to submit a calendar for the coming year make sure it is as full as possible.
1. Member activities – from 01 July 2023
Please note that activities require that a person ‘participates in scheduled shooting activities organised by the pistol
shooting club of which the person is a member’. Actively participating in a club day or a new members training session
and the act of ROing these (referred to within the regulations as the ‘duty officer’) for a match count. ROing counts as
it is a health and safety matter that there must be an RO (Duty Officer) when any shooting takes place. However
working bees, committee meetings and general maintenance do not count towards an attendance.
The club activities that count for the attendance requirement are ones which have been notified to Te Tari Pūreke
Clubs and ranges (TTP CR) within the clubs annual report – either in the year previous or the year coming. A club is able
to add further club activities’ to the club calendar within the year, however these must be included in the next annual
report for the ‘previous year’ section.