Would be keen for adds warning the thief what is coming your way for stealing firearms, 5-10 years, forgot we are in NZ, 10 hours community service, and it's not your fault your a thief.
Would be keen for adds warning the thief what is coming your way for stealing firearms, 5-10 years, forgot we are in NZ, 10 hours community service, and it's not your fault your a thief.
Totally agree. @tetawa
Summer grass
Of stalwart warriors splendid dreams
the aftermath.
Matsuo Basho.
After all the accusations of gangs and crims in general being supplied firearms through theft etc of LFO's as there's no possible other way for them to get their grubby mits on guns otherwise (so we are told) I would not be surprised if we are heading that way . And unfortunately the general public seem to swallow that line and would probably applaud just like with semis .
born to hunt - forced to work
ok so here is my take on that........for what little its worth.
Im old enough to remember the shotgun in corner of kitchen and shells on bench beside it.....and the rifle in wardrobe...I also remember funeral of my 9 year old cousin whos slightly older brother sent a 6.5x55mm round through.
if you store your rifle in secure cabinet and the uglies manage to rip it open and steal it..but dont find your bolts...its not really going to be worth much....your shotgun without forestock...or pump/semi without barrel is a pain in the arse..more time to keep looking to find them...it also means IF you happen to disturb them,or someone else does,they are unlikely to be able to shoot them or you.....
Ive been slack as over the years,but bolts are stored separately from rifles......
I would be gutted if my guns were stolen
I would be devastated if someone was killed by them because I couldnt be bothered locking them up better.