I've been hearing the ads on the radio, and just seen some big ads in the local paper.
Cannot hurt, but I do wonder who the audience is here.
Attachment 171546
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I've been hearing the ads on the radio, and just seen some big ads in the local paper.
Cannot hurt, but I do wonder who the audience is here.
Attachment 171546
Its a good move
i have no issue with storage at all but it seems in the last few weeks its on the radio allot . my firearms etc are worth a few bucks so why wouldnt i store them well. but the radio play advertisements are a little over the top
probably a softening up tactic for the public , implying there is an issue with firearms storage , before they introduce new possibly expensive and nigh on impossible to work with storage laws , such as the vehicular transport lock-up changes on the way .
I have no issues with reminding people of their obligations , don't get me wrong , but these guys don't seem to operate on a single level nowadays . There almost always seems to be a deeper meaning/reason for bringing things into the public eye .
And it generally seems to be to gun owners detriment .... and making it that much more difficult to comply with new laws to point I am sure they are just trying to make the whole gun ownership thing more difficult than it has ever been simply to put people off ownership due to expense and or the amount of hoop jumping etc required .
But hey , that's just my opinion in general terms .
I could be way off base , but I don't think so.....
Stupid picture on the left. If they're encouraging locking up firearms, then at least have the bolt out, the mag off and a trigger lock or some other security shown in the relevant picture. A picture saves a thousand words and all that... Chumps.
I am against removing bolts and mags.
The guns should be locked up, so why remove em?
All my guns have the mags, spare mags and bolts stored fitted and with them.
I see too many guns at auctions without bolts and mags due to an estate sale, and the wife etc has no clue where the bolt is. Or the bolt is lost.
The whole bolt and mag out is police policy, and police policy is horse shit.
I am interested in Law, not policy. If policy was any good, then my policy would cancel out their policy.
Semi autos are fine to store with bolts in, but bolt actions are not. Does that make sense to anyone? I do think removing the mags and storing them seperately is a good idea though. P2 magazines need to be stored in an approved safe, as does ammo to fit. I wonder how long it will be until tha tis the normal rules? Looking at Australia their storage rules are way over the top compared to ours.
Yes, with the current PR campaign, you can safely say the recent Arms Act regulations public consultation for quite ridiculous storage requirements is about to come to a head.
Expect the requirement to anchor firearms to your car while being transported, ammo is locked steel boxes when in transit and new NZPHQ policy that makes 75% of gun safes/cabinets no longer compliant.