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Thread: Police seize 39 guns in raid at house in rural south Auckland

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Land of the Long White Cloud
    Is this guy who got raided, the same guy who there was a story about in Investigate magazine a few years ago?

    The ex detective who sleeps in rubbish bins to hide from surveillance squads who are hunting him because he knows something about a Government minister?

  2. #47
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Dont know if its him but they can still see your thoughts unless you wear a tinfoil cap.
    veitnamcam and 40mm like this.

  3. #48
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    That's why the Vikings where so successful.....didn't they wear tinfoil hats
    Steve123 likes this.
    It's all fun and games till Darthvader comes along
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  4. #49
    Member Tommy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Is this guy who got raided, the same guy who there was a story about in Investigate magazine a few years ago?

    The ex detective who sleeps in rubbish bins to hide from surveillance squads who are hunting him because he knows something about a Government minister?
    Don't know what's sadder: that, or admitting to reading Investigate
    300CALMAN likes this.
    Identify your target beyond all doubt

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bumshot View Post
    I know the guy and he is an upright good guy. Has all licences and is member of reputable club, who supported his B and E cat applications.
    Protection order is to keep him away from his mother so sister can grab the family money.
    Police have f..ked up badly and so has family court allowing them selves to be used in this way.
    We all need to ask the hard questions here.
    Why are fathers pickiting family court judges
    Is this the same guy?

    Former cop blows lid on NZ government bugging allegations – ministers implicated

    There's some fairly out there ravings posted by him on the internet. Just Google his name.

  6. #51
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Is this the same guy?

    Former cop blows lid on NZ government bugging allegations – ministers implicated

    There's some fairly out there ravings posted by him on the internet. Just Google his name.
    hmmmmmmmm-straying intoi my territory or a rampant PTSD having a orgasm??

  7. #52
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by systolic View Post
    Is this the same guy?

    Former cop blows lid on NZ government bugging allegations – ministers implicated

    There's some fairly out there ravings posted by him on the internet. Just Google his name.
    hmmmmmmmm-straying intoi my territory or a rampant PTSD having a orgasm??

  8. #53
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    hmmmmmmmm-straying intoi my territory or a rampant PTSD having a orgasm??
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    hmmmmmmmm-straying intoi my territory or a rampant PTSD having a orgasm??

    Looks like you had a double one.
    Last edited by Cordite; 29-04-2018 at 10:30 AM.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  9. #54
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    This is the Investigate online article. Ian Wishart's verbosity undermines his credibility, as usual, but that is just my perception.

    Interestingly, the SIS is now recruiting for surveillance officers, say they want more ethnic / LGBT staff, to reflect the composition of society better. No university degree needed, but have to be a NZ Citizen and be a "good driver". (Whaaat). Maybe so surveillance teams wont "look like" surveillance teams?

    Former cop blows lid on NZ government bugging allegations – ministers implicated
    May 13, 2014 iwishart New Zealand 5

    An explosive political allegation is breaking this afternoon – a retired police officer who leaked information about a senior National government minister is in hiding today with his wife and children, saying he believes he is now being hunted by police because of what he knows.

    “I slept in a jumbo bin dumpster the other night in Newmarket while the police helicopter circled overhead and patrol cars were circling the area looking for me after I managed to give the slip to a police surveillance team,” Nick Preece said today, adding, “I know what police surveillance is because it was part of my job on the force.”

    Name:  Preece-252x300.jpg
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    Preece, a former homicide and robbery detective, spent 11 years in the police force before embarking on a business career that included establishing an international aviation company – JMI Aerospace – with offices in seven countries last decade.

    He drove hundreds of kilometres in a borrowed car to meet InvestigateDaily, after leaving a false trail for the police or private security teams he says are tracking him.

    Preece, with his wife and young children in the car as well, has told InvestigateDaily his troubles began after he “foolishly” let slip to an Auckland businessman last year details of an incident involving a senior cabinet minister.

    It turned out the businessman had links to another senior National cabinet minister. InvestigateDaily has been told of meetings between the businessman and three senior Government ministers.

    Now Nick Preece says he’s been forced into hiding to protect his family because of a police witch-hunt that he believes is driven by the Beehive; a witch-hunt involving electronic eavesdropping and unmarked police cars. If he’s right, the explosive claims would be far more serious than the offence that forced minister Maurice Williamson to resign this month, because it suggests the police have been used to apply pressure on a politically sensitive matter.

    “I’ve never disclosed the source that told me, but they were obviously right on the scene, and they were all told, in fact everybody involved in the incident relating to [the Minister] was sworn to secrecy, they all had to sign sworn affidavits of non-disclosure. (full 2000 word feature after the break)

    “When my former friend was questioning me, he was throwing names at me – this was down the track when National was obviously concerned at what I knew – he was naming names to me that I knew were related to my informants but I never acknowledged that.”

    The former police officer says there was never any suggestion he intended to use the information about the cabinet minister maliciously, as it was deeply personal, not illegal and not a breach of trust in any way, and he now regrets ever mentioning it to his former friend. However, he now also believes that what he knows has made him a target.

    “In the last six months, my relationship with my friend has changed, and it’s changed because I have information relating to a Minister. During the course of the subsequent months he started asking more questions about what I knew, and I gave him that information.”

    Preece says his friend then mentioned he had passed on the information to one of National’s other top ministers, and that’s when conversations started to become strange, with evidence that he was being ‘bugged’.

    “My friend began telling me about email correspondence I’d been having.

    “I had struck up an email correspondence with [private investigator and former police prosecutor] Grace Haden, who I read in the Herald was helping Graeme McCready with the private prosecution of John Banks. I just made contact with Grace because she was an ex policewoman – she knew some staff I’d worked with in the police and I really just wanted to find out from her what her involvement in the case was. We started discussing ethics within the police – it’s the role of police to simply gather evidence for a prosecution and put it to the courts to decide, but that was not what happened initially in the Banks investigation and we were both obviously concerned about that.”

    “I was told by my friend, who would have had no other way of knowing, that I had communicated with Haden, that I had communicated with Mr McCready – I think I had sent him just one email congratulating him for doing what the police should have done.”

    “He told me, he said ‘Nick, you’ve emailed the accountant’, and I thought he meant my own personal accountant, but he went ‘No, no, the accountant McCready’, and he also mentioned Muriel Newman who I had sent some emails to as well.”

    If true, the allegations suggest police had been tapping into the email or phone traffic of New Zealand citizens, and that information had then been passed back to the businessman with National Party connections.

    Preece says he’s a gun collector and the businessman he spoke to shares a mutual interest in firearms, but he was surprised to see the businessman trying to draw him into phone conversations about possibly purchasing illegal weapons like machineguns for his collection; Preece says he was clearly being “entrapped”.

    “For probably a month or so now I’ve had a feeling I’m being put into compromising positions, subjects that I’m not agreeable with were being discussed: anti government type discussions, revolutionary-type discussions, radicals – I just got a really bad feeling. Now in the past this guy had never discussed guns with me on the phone – but in the last few weeks he’s been rattling out discussions about guns and some of them would be classified as illegal, like machineguns and other things that I cannot buy on my current licence – on the phone. I thought this was a bit weird. All the guns I own are guns I am allowed to own under my current classification.”

    Preece was further surprised to receive a visit from his local community constable who asked for a tour of Preece’s house and gun-safes, on the pretence of following up a noise abatement notice from five months earlier. The house – far from Auckland city – had also been buzzed by the police helicopter.

    “I got a little bit panicky because of the Dotcom thing where a community cop was taken through the house before a raid was conducted, to find out what the layout of the property was and to have a look inside. Given the police helicopter flying over our house, I thought this was really strange.

    “As I left our street I noticed a van tailing me, a ute. It dropped off and as I came around Logan Avenue there was another silver Commodore parked on the side of the road which kicked in behind me and started following me – it had two gentlemen in it. As I went up the road my wife came towards me in our family car so I flagged her down and did a U-turn and it was quite hard case because the guys following me shit themselves (like they do in surveillance) and they raced up a side road, and there was another car up there also and they looked a bit panicky.

    “I’ve done surveillance, I’ve worked undercover, I know what surveillance people look like and how they behave. I saw too many people who looked familiar hanging around my beach house in Hahei, we found an old van parked in front of the beach house with what looked to be surveillance gear inside it, and there were people visiting that van late at night – my wife actually raised it with me.

    “I went to pick up the family vehicle outside my lawyer’s at the weekend and I was definitely surveilled from that location by a white van, it had three very nefarious characters in it, heavily tattooed, biker vests, looked like gang members.

    “I did a double U-turn around the Penrose roundabout, and I saw them zoom off because they didn’t want to come on with me, and then when I came around and came back off at Penrose they had done a U-turn on the other side of the road and were sitting opposite me, and they shit themselves as I came up to the intersection because they reversed backwards. Again, I know all these things.”

    Nick Preece says he has not returned home for a week and remains on the run, amid fears that police or others are intending to plant incriminating firearms evidence designed to publicly discredit him because of what he knows.

    “Last weekend when my wife and I got spooked down in Hahei we raced into town and I did a lot of counter-surveillance measures because I was panicky for my family. We stayed at the Sky City casino and I went down and made one email to my former friend terminating the relationship because I was now aware he was trying to entrap me.

    “It was interesting. I had used a backpacker cyber café and the next day I went past there in the morning with me daughter and it was closed, but sitting in a café opposite were three people who looked distinctly like ex-coppers and one of whom looked like another copper I used to know. I did a double-take but they were watching for the internet café and whether I would come back to it.

    “The night of the motel down in Broadway (Newmarket), my wife and I booked in and we saw a man, rather large thick-set individual, looked like an agent or ex-detective. He came in and started talking to the Asian owners. He was on the phone while he was talking to them. Immediately afterwards they moved a vehicle away from in front of our unit and they put the big floodlights on that lit up the forecourt around our unit. There were two hotel staff positioned outside in the rain, watching our door, and two more people across the way, also watching our door.

    “I didn’t want there to be a raid of any sort on the motel room with my wife and family in it, so I said to her, ‘You guys stay in here, lock the door and don’t open it for anyone, and if anything happens call the police. I’ll go out for the night, so I left, and as soon as I did I saw a car screaming up Broadway into Great South Road, which was almost in sync with someone ringing from the motel to say I had left, and it’s unusual because policemen are the only people that ever indicate when they’re going fast in cars, and this car roared up Great South and indicated at speed into the motel.

    “When I saw it do that, I realised they were coming to try and find me. So I ran down through some shops and car yards and found a dumpster, and I ended up sleeping the night inside a dumpster just to stay out of sight. While I was in there I heard the helicopter coming over and lots of cars speeding around the area for quite some time.

    “What I think they were looking for was that we had another vehicle parked at 277 Newmarket, which was my mate’s van. I think they were trying to follow that to see if I was going to pick up my gun collection, because without the gun collection in my possession they would not have anything justifying charging me with some horrible gun offence.”

    Preece says for his own protection he made an appointment to see a senior barrister.

    “I was supposed to meet a Crown solicitor today (Monday May 12), who had cancelled the appointment we originally held for Friday, and he had set that meeting up specifically on Thursday night with my own solicitor Stuart Callender. I’ve made notebook entries of all the events in real detail, there’s three notebooks floating around, and I have made copies of those notebooks as well and I have put them all in secure locations for people to come forward with if anything happens to me or my family.

    “I’m just really annoyed that they’re trying to destroy my credibility and integrity. My former friend told me at one point that the Government are absolutely shitting themselves that Kim Dotcom will get traction in the election, and that a successful prosecution of John Banks would give him that traction. The fact that I got in touch with the people prosecuting John Banks I think has caused this escalation.

    “I just want to get my life back. I sent my friend an email stating that I wasn’t going to tell anyone what I knew, you tell your people at a higher level, and I’ll just disappear, but obviously they haven’t accepted that because the surveillance actually ramped up after I asked for that.

    “We’re a good family, I’ve never had any criminal convictions, I don’t use drugs.”

    Preece says he has decided to go public because it sends a warning to those pursuing him, and that sunlight is the best disinfectant. A scandal involving bugging and surveillance of a political threat is presumably the last thing the government wanted in election year.
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  10. #55
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Sounds like could be the guy in the original post:

    Preece says he’s a gun collector and the businessman he spoke to shares a mutual interest in firearms, but he was surprised to see the businessman trying to draw him into phone conversations about possibly purchasing illegal weapons like machineguns for his collection; Preece says he was clearly being “entrapped”.

    “For probably a month or so now I’ve had a feeling I’m being put into compromising positions, subjects that I’m not agreeable with were being discussed: anti government type discussions, revolutionary-type discussions, radicals – I just got a really bad feeling. Now in the past this guy had never discussed guns with me on the phone – but in the last few weeks he’s been rattling out discussions about guns and some of them would be classified as illegal, like machineguns and other things that I cannot buy on my current licence – on the phone. I thought this was a bit weird. All the guns I own are guns I am allowed to own under my current classification.”

    Preece was further surprised to receive a visit from his local community constable who asked for a tour of Preece’s house and gun-safes, on the pretence of following up a noise abatement notice from five months earlier. The house – far from Auckland city – had also been buzzed by the police helicopter."
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  11. #56
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    And they waited this long to take his guns off him?
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  12. #57
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigbear View Post
    And they waited this long to take his guns off him?
    @bigbear, haha I see what you mean.

    If I thought I was under surveillance by anyone I'm not sure I'd hide or run (unless of course I fear for my life). But I'd have a whale of a time acting oddly and give them things to write down and follow up -- knock on doors of nice houses asking for directions, or if so and so lives here. Sit on bench and discretely leave chewing gum on the underside, drop folded up page of magazine in bin with some cyrilic annotations (Russophobia is back in fashion - remember to check under your bed tonight!). Buy ordnance survey map of Norfolk Island. Top the cake with an enquiry at Citizens Advice about Grey Power contact persons in the area.
    veitnamcam and timattalon like this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  13. #58
    Member Marty Henry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordite View Post
    @bigbear, haha I see what you mean.

    If I thought I was under surveillance by anyone I'm not sure I'd hide or run (unless of course I fear for my life). But I'd have a whale of a time acting oddly and give them things to write down and follow up -- knock on doors of nice houses asking for directions, or if so and so lives here. Sit on bench and discretely leave chewing gum on the underside, drop folded up page of magazine in bin with some cyrilic annotations (Russophobia is back in fashion - remember to check under your bed tonight!). Buy ordnance survey map of Norfolk Island. Top the cake with an enquiry at Citizens Advice about Grey Power contact persons in the area.
    You forgot to mention doing every telephone survey that rings and givin answers well outside the bell curve of normality
    Cordite likes this.

  14. #59
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    Better still, wait until the microsoft repair guys ring and start up odd conversations with them (coded) dropping words that could cause alarm and see them try and trace the call.....(probably somewhere in India)
    Pengy and outlander like this.

  15. #60
    Member 300CALMAN's Avatar
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    Paranoia aye.. is a pot calling the kettle black?



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