Positive inspection recently
Had my annual endorsements check during the long weekend and Jim, who's not my usual inspector in the Hutt region called to ask if he could come by some time.
Positive #1 was he asked politely when was a good time, unlike the usual guy who says I'll come by in 10 mins either via voicemail and you have to call to tell him to reschedule or give him another time.
Positive #2 was he only checked what was on the list for inspection (i.e. the annual and not the 3-yearly ones). No peeking at the As or ask what you do with your A guns etc.
Positive #3 was he ID himself and had his lanyard on. Unlike the usual guy who will hold the inspection forms in his hand and say would I have these forms in my hand if I werent the vetting officer, and carry on walking into the house like he owns it.
Positive #4 did not handle the endorsed firearms and waited for me to bring it to him.
Overall my first positive experience on security inspection since holding my endorsements across three districts after several years. I will be passing on these positive comments to my area Arms Officer.