The AO up here gives an addendum of what he wants with the code when you renew your licence, I did mine at the beginning of last month, my "safe" is an old rolex panel steel cabinet ex IRD! I burnt all the filesbolted to the wall, it has a roller door with one modified locking pin at the bottom, with a good quality tumbler lock. The vetter was more than happy. I sold some ammo on t/me the other day, get a text from the purchaser wanting my full name and address! Said you have my FAL that's all your getting, get the lazy AO to check my details in the computer, AO wouldn't sign the form without me giving a stranger my details. Sale didn't go thru, rang my local AO and told him I wasn't happy, he replied that's the only way I would get it thru, no worries as the other person would be ok because he also had a FAL? All the worry of security and I have to give details of myself and where I live to a stranger, I'll make a point of not going thru with sales if this is the case. Others never ask for my details but the form comes through? Time to tell these buggers they don't make the law, there is a law in place, but seems everyone is scared to upset them?