So I've just had the meeting with the vetting officer for my FAL renewal, which I thing went well all but my security:wtfsmilie:
I know this gets talked about on here all the time but cant find exactly what I want when it come to security.
I have a room of "stout construction" in which I store my firearms and also in that room I have a lockable cupboard for my ammo, which I believe is adequate under the arms code?
I have now been told this is not up to standard and HAVE to remove all bolts and store separately (I have no problem with this) and have a chain running through the firearms (I have a problem with this). In my reading of the arms code I can't see where this is a requirement.
•A firearm must not be put in any place where a child has ready access to it. Achieved
•Ammunition must be stored separately or the firearm made incapable of firing. •If possible, remove the bolt and magazine and lock away separately from the firearm. Achieved
•Make sure both the chamber and the magazine are empty. Achieved
•For lever, pump or semi-automatic firearms, you may not be able to remove the action. Break-open types can be dismantled. N/A
•Trigger-locking devices are recommended for firearms which cannot be taken apart. N/A
•Licence holders must take reasonable steps to secure firearms against theft. These steps include:
•Locking your firearm away in: •A lockable cabinet, container or receptacle of ‘stout construction’ i.e. strong enough to stop a child or casual opportunist thief getting access. Putting a lock on a cupboard, wardrobe or gun-case is not enough. Achieved
•Generally, the cabinet/container must be used for storing firearms only. Achieved
•A display cabinet or rack which locks in and immobilises firearms so they can not be fired. N/A
•A steel and concrete strong-room.
•Unloading and locking your firearm away whenever it is not in use or not under the immediate supervision of a licence holder.
•Never leaving your firearm in an unattended vehicle.
So I'm struggling to see where I have gone wrong or am I missing something?