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Thread: Re applying for expired FAL

  1. #1
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Apr 2015

    Re applying for expired FAL

    Hi Guys

    Has anyone here had there FAL expire and then had to reapply for one after a length of time...ie a couple of years?

    What has your experience been with this?

    It looks like this might be a long shoot as I see Im no longer classed as fit a proper.....been out side of the country for more than 10 years.

    But I can supply a criminal records check from the UK to show that I have been a good boy...

    A copy from the FAL form.

    Fit and proper criteria for applicants (regulation 15A)

    To hold a firearms licence, you must be considered a fit and proper person to possess firearms or airguns. Further criteria have been included for finding that a person is not a fit and proper person, i.e.:

    That -

    the applicant spent time outside New Zealand in the previous 10 years; and
    the Police sought information about that period to inform a decision as to whether the applicant is a fit and proper person to possess a firearm or an airgun; but
    the Police have not received the information about that period from the applicant or been able to verify the information about that period provided by the applicant; or

    If any person named by the applicant in their application is unable or unwilling to provide sufficient information to enable the Police to be satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person to possess a firearm or an airgun; or

    The Police have not been able to contact or confirm the identity of any person named by the applicant who resides overseas, or the person will not agree to an interview.

    More looking at those that have spent a number of years out of the country and then come home and reapplied with the expire clause.

    See its $241.50

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  2. #2
    Member Sh00ter's Avatar
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    I did it before the law change. It expired when I was away, I was gone for 20 years.
    It took longer and cost more, there is an extra step at the end when someone higher up the food chain has to go over your application.
    So long as you can get the appropriate paperwork it shouldn't be a problem.

    What country/s were you in? Getting a CRB in the UK was pretty straight forward and only cost £22.
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  3. #3
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Apr 2015
    Thanks @Sh00ter yeah uk.
    Have that already was very straight forward.
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  4. #4
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Man they don’t make it easy.
    Anyone have the single use export permit they can pm me.
    There now asking for some pdf download?? Cheers it’s to take it out again.
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  5. #5
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    I accidently let mine lapse/expire had to pay the exorbitant double the cost fee

    it would have been free if I was on the ball as I was a mountan safety council firearms trainer at the time but no, $240+ insted.....

    other than it costing more there wasnt any differences in how it went
    they didnt even contact me
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    Hi @Sideshow, this is exactly what I had to do after being in UK. Basically re-apply from scratch - application, $$$, and mountain safety/firearms course - which I drove to Fielding for cos it was 3 months till the next available course in Wellington. There was a bit of a delay after my paper application slipped thru the gap, so it was sat around on someone's desk for 6 months, before I called up to check on progress, and they realised they hadn't asked me to reapply on the digital system. Didn't have to resupply any of the forms/photos, just fill out the form.

    But yes, standard application, and an ACRO police check from British Police - £55. They said 14 days + up to 20 days post (they don't email a copy, they only post the original), but had it in my letterbox in less than 3 weeks. https://www.acro.police.uk/police_certificates.aspx

    Now just waiting on a letter from my GP which I forgot to include, and should be good to go... All up 14 months, but that may be increased due to a couple of hiccups along the way.

    I have just stayed regularly in touch with them, like an update email or call every month or so... not quite being a pain the arse, but just staying in their memory. I also said I was available at short notice if the vetting officer had any cancellations... which happened in the end I think. Really nice guy, and has been really proactive in getting things resolved.

    So I'd not expect to be getting it in a couple of months, but other than the UK police cert, no different to a standard new application. You could save a bit of time by getting the police cert underway, and GP letter if you need one, but go for it. The sooner you get it rolling, the sooner you'll get it.

    Feel free to get in touch if you have any more questions.
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  7. #7
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Basically the cops' view it as not reapplying but just a new application.
    I guess for you returning ex pats it is a different issue but for domestic LFA holders don't let your licence accidentally expire.
    You're up to twice the cost of a renewal plus you go to the bottom of the pile with renewals taking priority over new applications. Although the long waits for renewals would make it appear otherwise.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Are you returning to live in NZ or just coming for a visit ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2022
    I had an enormous shit fight with them for my uncles F/a licence. Same boat as you but he isnt coming back here to live, only wants to use his guns when he is here on holiday.

    In the end the threat of legal action was the only way to get it thru.

    Simply put no one in the Police wanted to sign off on his application. Even through there were multiple character references and zero risk.

    The issue is 'NO BALLS' on the part of the Police.
    Carbine and Tommy like this.

  10. #10
    Member Daithi's Avatar
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    Mine was due to expire in 2012 while I was overseas. Rang the AO in Tauranga and he said best to cancel it before it expired, then it would be easier to renew it when I returned. In 2017 when I returned, I had to do it from scratch, fair enough I guess. That was before Tarrant obviously.

  11. #11
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    No not planing on returning just yet. But will do at some stage. Just asking the questions.
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  12. #12
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Quote Originally Posted by Sideshow View Post
    No not planing on returning just yet. But will do at some stage. Just asking the questions.
    On another note, it looks like mr plod are overstepping the mark down in the west country Uk
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    has anyone reapplied successfully recently?

  14. #14
    Member Gruntled's Avatar
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    Mine expires November, sent the reapplication end of Feburary. I had an automatic reply saying received, nothing since. Still have 6 months, here’s hoping.

  15. #15
    Member Ben Waimata's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gruntled View Post
    Mine expires November, sent the reapplication end of Feburary. I had an automatic reply saying received, nothing since. Still have 6 months, here’s hoping.
    (edited my post, sorry I thought better of what I was going to say.)
    Cordite likes this.



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