Might have still had the finger on the trigger with it slung, you can sling a rifle across your chest too which is probable with AOS
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Might have still had the finger on the trigger with it slung, you can sling a rifle across your chest too which is probable with AOS
I would have thought that the first thing he would have done was drop out the mag and check to ensure the firearm was empty before anything else.
Seems to be the old saying "Shoot first ask questions later"
A bushmaster with a trigger guard was hung on the AOS officers sholder, discharged and severely injured the arrested person who had been contained on the ground with his hands rerstrained with those nylon tiedowns.
I've got some deep dark thoughts going on here...........
Treat every firearm as if loaded
Never aim a firearm at people
Keep you'r finger off the trigger
Don't carry it with the bolt/chamber loaded
Identify your target
I realise we don't know all the details and accept theres a policemen/woman out there who feels like shit today, however should any of us have made a mistake where somebody was injured the first thing to go would be our firearms lisence along with any weapons at out homes. Then the litigation would begin, with Police making a good argument about idiots shooting people when it doesn't need to happen.
It is entirely possible he or she does not have a fal.
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Police don't either, it's part of their warrant.
Remember though this is an AOS member, not some spotty kid a week out of Police College, so he/she would've handled that firearm on many, many occasions. It's not like an FAL where all you do is have to answer a written test on safety, AOS and STG members actually need to demonstrate a few things :D However for the officer involved this incident will probably mean the end of their AOS participation unless it's a mechanical fault.
Army arnt free from UD's either,they happen from time to time and while I was in timor there were three or four live UD's in a 6 month period.it boils down to laps in concentration poor wepon handeling and in some cases but very rare wepon malfunction.its got nothing to do with experience or lack of as some of the army UD's are done by very experienced rifleman.just my 2 cents.
Yup. I almost reckon if you use firearms enough, it will happen.
I have had one because of a shitty trigger job I did on a Remington and one on a beretta 1200f that had a broken firing pin, free float on chambering a buckshot round.
Both times the firearms were pointed in a safe direction.
Man it would really suck balls everyone giving you shit over it if it was a mechanical failure. Tryna think how an AR could "just go off" though. I can see how the safety can get flicked off by gear - happens all the time. You would have to be real unlucky to get some gear inside the trigger guard to trip it, especially a stock mil-spec trigger. Unless the trigger was badly worn maybe. Will be interesting to see the out come of the investigation.
How does a police officer get into the AOS...are they chosen or do they apply should any vacancy arise?
Apply, vetted, vetted again.
Local selection course, apply, national selection course, national qualifying course. If passed all then they're an operational AOS member, if there is an opening.