For an interesting but light read
Five Foot and Fearless, by Liz Williams.
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For an interesting but light read
Five Foot and Fearless, by Liz Williams.
Because the initial reports indicated that the firearm that fired was the one found under a bed at the address. In this case, not knowing it's condition or state, it should be checked and made safe. Some of the more recent reports indicate it was the officers own firearm but others still say it was the offenders.
The Police have said it was their AOS officer with the bushmaster. They have been pretty open about it. The investigation will hopefully sort it all out. If it was a UD then someone will get torn a new one hopefully. If it is procedures then they need reviewing asap.
The Police also stated the victim was fully cooperating and it seems was pleading for help as was his family. Very tragic event but it does seem he is recovering and is now in a serious condition as opposed to critical the last few days.
Seems like the victim should have been in a inpatient care facility rather than community based care, opps hang on we closed the majority of them down in the 80s didn't we! How many Police call outs are to deal with people with mental illness who need more care than the current system can offer?
Sorry small rant over!
You are absolutely right there Littledog. One of my mothers cousins was in one of these institutions and he was very well cared for. I'd sometimes go with my mother and take him for a day out.
I know this was an accident, but if it was one of US, we would properly lose our FAL and possibly have to go to court, to face a few charges.
So hopefully this doesn't get swept under the rug, demotion for a start, or sacked!!
Hopefully it wont be swept away TJ.
The AOS officer was carrying out their duty when this occurred, where as for us its recreation in most cases. However that is not an excuse for poor handling if handling was the cause and there should be some form of discipline handed out if it was found to be negligent.
The last few years have seen hunters charged and sentenced to prison for between 3 and 12 months when they have caused the death of another. So some form of discipline is needed if a Police Officer causes injury or death due to negligence, however the nature of the job the Police perform will need to be taking into account also.
If it was a procedural issue then hopefully procedures will be reviewed, maybe officers with rifles don't assist with the manhandling of the offender. The investigation will hopefully get to the bottom of it.
Its a nasty event for all concerned.
I think it is pretty hard to draw a comparison between a hunter who uses a firearm in their recreational time and should only point and shoot at animals where as an aos officer whose job it is to point a firearm at and apprehend offenders with a said firearms and where said officer will and must point a firearm at a people in the course of their employment.
Completely different situations, I feel sorry for the cop but statistically this sort of thing will happen. Will be interesting to see where this goes.
Cars dont start themselves up and drive away just as guns dont fire by themselves. Both require an outside influence to work. Sack the fucker.
Yes it is different,
but imagine the amount of training these guys have had, compared to most rec shooter, no one is forcing these guys to be in the AOS.
but even if this guy caused a little trouble, he didn't deserve to be shot, a reckless mistake and the officer should face action for his mistake, if it was indeed his fault, the inquiry should hopefully clear it up and make recommendations to future events
You'd hope so but....
With this and the shooting of the Courier on the motorway the other year, I sort of think the incidence of accidental shootings compared to firearm use time must be astronomically high amongst police compared to hunters and recreational shooters. Tens of thousands of recreational firearms users using firearms every day, only a couple of incidents a year, a few thousand police using firearms every so often and at least 2 accidental shootings in the last 4 years
@The Jackel - Totally, but it really grates when people compare police/army to recreational SPORTING firearms license holders.
@Towley - They have have planes which fly around autonomously killing people, appreciate it's not a car ... just sayin ;/
@gimp - Police offices manage to kill maybe one or two animals a year whereas hunters kills 100's of thousands.
I personally have seen a few instances where guns have fired inadvertently due to mechanical error which easily could have resulted in someone being injured.
As for that, hunters go out with the intent to kill, police go out with the reaction to kill if the situation calls for it. Really is no comparison there?Quote:
@gimp - Police offices manage to kill maybe one or two animals a year whereas hunters kills 100's of thousands.
I get what Gimp was trying to say, statistically Police probably have a higher percentage of accidental shootings when taking into account times firearms are used vs recreational hunters, BUT the same situational stresses wouldn't be involved (like this whole sniper vs bench rest argument) combined with other factors like training and functionality of firearms. From what I have been told all their triggers are quite heavy to try and avoid this kind of accident which in cases like the courier driver could lead to less accurate shots.