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Thread: Response to the Law and Order Select committee

  1. #16
    Member Scouser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    She is the proverbial fat lady Pengy and as far as I am concerned she has demonstrated a bunch of good common sense in arriving at these conclusions. Paula if you are reading this, on behalf of the wider firearms community I would like the opportunity to buy you a Waikato. Be warned though that acceptance will expose you to the good looks and charming personality of a Jigilo extraordinaire. Still, the offer stands.
    FFS Rushy don't get 'Big Al' out now and fuk it up........
    While I might not be as good as I once was, Im as good once as I ever was!

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  2. #17
    Join Date
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    You have to wonder if the police shot themselves in the foot by publishing the new arms code , without first getting ministerial permission ,and tryin to undermine the authority of the minister, or had her opinions been leaked to them and they were hoping for a "fait accompli" in some country's this would be considered treason, pity it's not hear.

  3. #18
    Member keneff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rushy View Post
    She is the proverbial fat lady Pengy and as far as I am concerned she has demonstrated a bunch of good common sense in arriving at these conclusions. Paula if you are reading this, on behalf of the wider firearms community I would like the opportunity to buy you a Waikato. Be warned though that acceptance will expose you to the good looks and charming personality of a Jigilo extraordinaire. Still, the offer stands.
    Jigilo, Rushy? Really?? As far asI'm concerned, Paula has done her job - actually listened to the electorate, And won't Cahill be having a hissy right about now. Hope it gives him a heart attack, along with the pom reformists at PNHQ. The back door isn't always open, bastards. Time to stop trying to sneak up on your fellow citizens.
    kotuku likes this.
    Used to be a fine wine - now I'm vinegar.

  4. #19
    Caretaker stug's Avatar
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    Send Paula Bennett an email to say thanks P.Bennett@ministers.govt.nz
    P38, 199p, Savage1 and 1 others like this.

  5. #20
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Already did.
    P38 likes this.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  6. #21
    Gone................. mikee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keneff View Post
    Jigilo, Rushy? Really?? As far asI'm concerned, Paula has done her job - actually listened to the electorate, And won't Cahill be having a hissy right about now. Hope it gives him a heart attack, along with the pom reformists at PNHQ. The back door isn't always open, bastards. Time to stop trying to sneak up on your fellow citizens.
    Some times when you poke a hibernating bear enough it wakes up ........................
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  7. #22
    JWB is offline
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    Jan 2017
    This exercise is called bait and switch. Those of you who have thanked the minister have scored an own goal. Licence holders have gained no respite from persecution. More controls are about to be inflicted upon us. Past police policy and bullying is about to be legitimized.

    My reply to the ministers statement,
    "The minister keeps referring to "Arms (Firearm Prohibition Orders and Firearms Licences) Amendment Bill". This I know nothing about.
    This report is a disaster for firearms owners, as it legitimises current illegal activities inflicted on us by police. Increases the potential for further persecution, while giving the public a sense of relief that, "well, that wasn't so bad after all".
    The mail-order process doesn't need clarification. It is clearly set out in the legislation. The minister needed to instruct police to obey the law.
    A stand-down period after licence revocation. Where the hell is that going? Given that most licence revocations are the result of acrimonious relationships or police punishment for a citizen insisting that police follow the law, will this be used to further intimidate the licence holder, should they show any semblance of developing a spine?
    Recording of serial numbers- voluntary process to continue. There is no voluntary process. There is only the police assembling a dysfunctional registry to condition the public to accepting registration. Where is the secure storage for this illegal process and why are public funds supporting it.
    Determine appropriate security standards for A licences. That is just weasel words for increasing the cost to licence holders though increased security costs. Something the police are doing already through illegal policy and bullying. The legislation is quite clear as to the security requirements to deter children and opportunist thieves.
    Licence suspension Just another tool for the thugs and bullies to use against the dissenters to their vision of a police state. No proof required, just the word of the blue thug.
    Require the police to consult with the firearms community! How do you do that, when there is no body that represents licence holders. FCAF? how well does that work out? There is a power imbalance. The police hold all the cards. Dissent is ignored and only agreement is allowed.
    Nowhere in this report is there a rollback of the intrusive and obscene conditions imposed upon licence holders by the 1983 act and it's amendments. The imposition of the need to prove ones innocence goes against the basis of our Westminster justice concept of innocent until proven guilty. The arms act in itself is a direct affront to our justice system and society.
    Nothing the minister is proposing will address criminal offending with firearms, or criminals acquiring firearms. The only thing that will achieve that, is for police to get back to catching burglars, instead of persecuting the victims of burglary. A return to the principles of policing as devised by Robert Peel might be in order as the police clearly lack direction."
    timattalon likes this.

  8. #23
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by JWB View Post
    This exercise is called bait and switch. Those of you who have thanked the minister have scored an own goal. Licence holders have gained no respite from persecution. More controls are about to be inflicted upon us. Past police policy and bullying is about to be legitimized.

    My reply to the ministers statement,
    "The minister keeps referring to "Arms (Firearm Prohibition Orders and Firearms Licences) Amendment Bill". This I know nothing about.
    This report is a disaster for firearms owners, as it legitimises current illegal activities inflicted on us by police. Increases the potential for further persecution, while giving the public a sense of relief that, "well, that wasn't so bad after all".
    The mail-order process doesn't need clarification. It is clearly set out in the legislation. The minister needed to instruct police to obey the law.
    A stand-down period after licence revocation. Where the hell is that going? Given that most licence revocations are the result of acrimonious relationships or police punishment for a citizen insisting that police follow the law, will this be used to further intimidate the licence holder, should they show any semblance of developing a spine?
    Recording of serial numbers- voluntary process to continue. There is no voluntary process. There is only the police assembling a dysfunctional registry to condition the public to accepting registration. Where is the secure storage for this illegal process and why are public funds supporting it.
    Determine appropriate security standards for A licences. That is just weasel words for increasing the cost to licence holders though increased security costs. Something the police are doing already through illegal policy and bullying. The legislation is quite clear as to the security requirements to deter children and opportunist thieves.
    Licence suspension Just another tool for the thugs and bullies to use against the dissenters to their vision of a police state. No proof required, just the word of the blue thug.
    Require the police to consult with the firearms community! How do you do that, when there is no body that represents licence holders. FCAF? how well does that work out? There is a power imbalance. The police hold all the cards. Dissent is ignored and only agreement is allowed.
    Nowhere in this report is there a rollback of the intrusive and obscene conditions imposed upon licence holders by the 1983 act and it's amendments. The imposition of the need to prove ones innocence goes against the basis of our Westminster justice concept of innocent until proven guilty. The arms act in itself is a direct affront to our justice system and society.
    Nothing the minister is proposing will address criminal offending with firearms, or criminals acquiring firearms. The only thing that will achieve that, is for police to get back to catching burglars, instead of persecuting the victims of burglary. A return to the principles of policing as devised by Robert Peel might be in order as the police clearly lack direction."
    theres always one party pooper eh what.!!! cuse me guvnor -ya middle moniker isnt pessimist by any chance -just askin. no reply neccessary.

  9. #24
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    spreydon christcurch.
    Quote Originally Posted by keneff View Post
    Jigilo, Rushy? Really?? As far asI'm concerned, Paula has done her job - actually listened to the electorate, And won't Cahill be having a hissy right about now. Hope it gives him a heart attack, along with the pom reformists at PNHQ. The back door isn't always open, bastards. Time to stop trying to sneak up on your fellow citizens.
    Sir I likes your style.
    now Rushy i hopes you aint been hoeing into them there horny goatweed pills they advertise as ala naturale for gettin the old bloke to stand to attention for a lady. wee know Paulas cute and cuddly and bugger me with a pineapple and call me augie ,shes a bloody poli with COMMONSENSE and a sense of FAIR PLAY,but until we get a centrefold of Paula in the camo with a trusty 12g on the hip and and ar15 tucked up under the armpit ,Im gonna hold my breath!

    Ok thats a tad radical ,so im gonna start a collection for a camo mankini for Rushy to wear when he meets Paula!!!

    Actually guys Im inclined to think Paula read Justice Jillian Mallons scathing comments re police conduct in the hearing over the freestanding pistol grip issue,or shes actually had a wee chat with the Honourable judge in person.If Chris Cahill could take some time to read the same judgement he may well want to temper his tantrum somewhat ,cause again like minister Madam Judge pulled no bloody punches-it was a subtle as a boot in the nuts from an irate scrub bull!
    Last edited by kotuku; 15-06-2017 at 01:22 AM.

  10. #25
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    Sir I likes your style.
    now Rushy i hopes you aint been hoeing into them there horny goatweed pills they advertise as ala naturale for gettin the old bloke to stand to attention for a lady. wee know Paulas cute and cuddly and bugger me with a pineapple and call me augie ,shes a bloody poli with COMMONSENSE and a sense of FAIRPLAY,but until we get a centrefold of paula in the camo with a trusty 12g on the hip and and ar15 tucked up under the armpit ,Im gonna hold my breath!
    ok thats a tad radical ,so im gonna start a collection fro a camo mankini for rushy to wear when he meets paula!!!
    Mate, having met Rushy, I won't be chipping in for the outfit.
    Scouser and tommygun like this.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  11. #26
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    spreydon christcurch.
    then you truly disappoint me you lithe version of a racing king crab!!!whaaaaat are you on the nightshift good sir???? or are you working on a crafty move to modify Chris Cahill into a clone of Donald Trump.
    be kind to our Syderrs-cause i wasnt,and his ivory tower is unfortunately cheap taiwanese plastic.
    how TR still kicking butt i hope -go them kackhanders
    gadgetman likes this.

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JWB View Post
    This exercise is called bait and switch. Those of you who have thanked the minister have scored an own goal. Licence holders have gained no respite from persecution. More controls are about to be inflicted upon us. Past police policy and bullying is about to be legitimized.

    My reply to the ministers statement,

    "The minister keeps referring to "Arms (Firearm Prohibition Orders and Firearms Licences) Amendment Bill". This I know nothing about.

    This report is a disaster for firearms owners, as it legitimises current illegal activities inflicted on us by police. Increases the potential for further persecution, while giving the public a sense of relief that, "well, that wasn't so bad after all".

    The mail-order process doesn't need clarification. It is clearly set out in the legislation. The minister needed to instruct police to obey the law.

    A stand-down period after licence revocation. Where the hell is that going? Given that most licence revocations are the result of acrimonious relationships or police punishment for a citizen insisting that police follow the law, will this be used to further intimidate the licence holder, should they show any semblance of developing a spine?

    Recording of serial numbers- voluntary process to continue. There is no voluntary process. There is only the police assembling a dysfunctional registry to condition the public to accepting registration. Where is the secure storage for this illegal process and why are public funds supporting it.

    Determine appropriate security standards for A licences. That is just weasel words for increasing the cost to licence holders though increased security costs. Something the police are doing already through illegal policy and bullying. The legislation is quite clear as to the security requirements to deter children and opportunist thieves.

    Licence suspension Just another tool for the thugs and bullies to use against the dissenters to their vision of a police state. No proof required, just the word of the blue thug.

    Require the police to consult with the firearms community! How do you do that, when there is no body that represents licence holders. FCAF? how well does that work out? There is a power imbalance. The police hold all the cards. Dissent is ignored and only agreement is allowed.

    Nowhere in this report is there a rollback of the intrusive and obscene conditions imposed upon licence holders by the 1983 act and it's amendments. The imposition of the need to prove ones innocence goes against the basis of our Westminster justice concept of innocent until proven guilty. The arms act in itself is a direct affront to our justice system and society.

    Nothing the minister is proposing will address criminal offending with firearms, or criminals acquiring firearms. The only thing that will achieve that, is for police to get back to catching burglars, instead of persecuting the victims of burglary. A return to the principles of policing as devised by Robert Peel might be in order as the police clearly lack direction."
    You do raise a number of very valid points. The one I have highlighted in bold is a very good point. I did put some spaces between them to make them easier to separate too.

  13. #28
    Member Sideshow's Avatar
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    Yep it looks good but.....I don't know!

    Can't trust these guys!

    Don't give them an inch!

    Here he is on the radio asking us to meet him halfway? Why? Why should we meet him halfway?

    Looks like he's already done a back room deal with criminals and said you know what guys carry on! Your all good, I'll stick it to the law abiding!

    And as for ZB radio where was the rebuttal? Why not let him lose on his high horse! Very poor reporting no preparation!
    Did even ask a hard question! Very weak if you ask me, he mars well have rolled over and had him scratch his belly!

    So where in deed dose it leave us?

  14. #29
    OPCz Rushy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scouser View Post
    FFS Rushy don't get 'Big Al' out now and fuk it up........
    Scouser, big Al and the twins are always ready to stand up for a woman of Paula's capability and you just know that I will take one for this team any day. Of course the peril would be that she could have the Rushy, go all mushy and then hang a selfie of her and me on the DPM' office wall and then all hell would break loose as all the female members start seeing through green eyes. Oh my god the questions across the floor in parliament would expose me to the wider female population and then ....... Oops rambling ha ha ha ha
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  15. #30
    308 is offline
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    It leaves us well aware of what the police are after and that we have to implacably oppose their bullshit and vote accordingly

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