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Thread: Rules for a strong room (NOT for endorsed weapons)??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Rules for a strong room (NOT for endorsed weapons)??

    Hi Al.. I have just bought a house with a walk in safe, steel lined and reinforced door etc. It's huge and I dont have a lot of stuff and obviously dont want to start having to store anything outside the room.
    Considering I dont have E cat or anything and am unlikely to, I am having problems with the new rules figuring out how to store everything inside it, or if that can even be done, especially with:
    1) bolts/mags
    2) ammunition
    3) reloading supplies, powder/projectiles

    Do I need a safe inside a safe?? can it even be done? There are lots of "shoulds" which is different to "must"... The rules in the new pdf doc only talk about the requirements for endorsed firearms.
    In particular storing ammo anywhere else will be an arse.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2019
    safe inside for reloading components/ammo everything else should be ok but ask the arms officer who will be inspectinf

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Bay of plenty
    Quote Originally Posted by Howa1500 View Post
    safe inside for reloading components/ammo everything else should be ok but ask the arms officer who will be inspectinf
    You don’t need a safe for reloading components nor is there any requirement for them to be secured in any way. They are not ammunition
    Bent Barrel and 19Badger like this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    South of Wellington
    The way I tend to look at it is you have 3 components. Firearm/Bolt/Ammo. In cases like a lever action the bolt cannot be removed so the Ammo needs to be locked separately but can be inside the same safe. With how I understand what you have written your walk in safe is fine as long as you have a separate locked ammo box. Say Ammo Can with a padlock, you can have both the ammo & bolts stored in that and it be inside your walk in safe. The Ammo can does not need to be attached to the dwelling.
    Commercial bought A-class gun safes have the separate lock box in side them so Firearm/Bolts/Ammo are all stored in same Gunsafe. As mentioned above reloading components are not ammunition.
    kukuwai likes this.

  5. #5
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    May 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by omark View Post
    You don’t need a safe for reloading components nor is there any requirement for them to be secured in any way. They are not ammunition
    you are right thats just how I and other people i know who store stuff in a room do it, mainly just for peace of mind and having everything in one place

  6. #6
    Member Happy Jack's Avatar
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    My arms officer said I could Not have bolt and ammo together in the top compartment of my safe, one had to be in a totally separate lockbox

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Look at it this way.
    If someone gains access to your gun safe (no matter how big or secure) will they also gain access to your bolts and ammo?
    If yes, then you don't meet storage requirements.
    Basically bolts and ammo should be stored separately.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    If you check out the Police website under "Firearms Storage" there are specifications for strong rooms.
    dogmatix likes this.

  9. #9
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    stash your blots in the undie draw and ammunition in bottom of wardrobe sort of deal..someone gaining entry to your strong room then doesnt have the other two vital bits of the 3 part puzzle..... is long as they cant grab a gun and make it work with ammunition while inside your house...well thats all you can do...no point in making it easy for them....now and ammunion case with padlock on it inside your strongroom filled with old nails and a brick or two.....not so silly....they THINK they have the bits and leave.... not to say they wont come back later.same as a gun safe unsecured to wall with your cheap n nasty powertools in it....
    Ranger 888 and Bent Barrel like this.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2021
    Worth noting that under HSNO regulations storing class 1 explosives in a dwelling is not compliant. If your walk in safe (or room of stout construction in the parlance) is in your house you aren't compliant to have ammo in it at all.

  11. #11
    Member SixtyTen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by No.3 View Post
    Worth noting that under HSNO regulations storing class 1 explosives in a dwelling is not compliant. If your walk in safe (or room of stout construction in the parlance) is in your house you aren't compliant to have ammo in it at all.
    I believe this only applies above a certain weight and that limit is somewhere around 4-5kg.
    I could be wrong, its a long time since I looked it up.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    I would expect that the ammo box (for instance), would HAVE to be attached to the inside of the gunsafe room?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tasbay View Post
    The way I tend to look at it is you have 3 components. Firearm/Bolt/Ammo. In cases like a lever action the bolt cannot be removed so the Ammo needs to be locked separately but can be inside the same safe. With how I understand what you have written your walk in safe is fine as long as you have a separate locked ammo box. Say Ammo Can with a padlock, you can have both the ammo & bolts stored in that and it be inside your walk in safe. The Ammo can does not need to be attached to the dwelling.
    Commercial bought A-class gun safes have the separate lock box in side them so Firearm/Bolts/Ammo are all stored in same Gunsafe. As mentioned above reloading components are not ammunition.

  13. #13
    Member kukuwai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by floatingkiwi View Post
    I would expect that the ammo box (for instance), would HAVE to be attached to the inside of the gunsafe room?
    No I dont think that is the case.

    Take a vehicle for instance, a locked ammo box does not have to be secured to the vehicle.

    Also your locked ammo box would be inside a safe so thats even more secure than ammo would be in the average persons ammo safe.

    Pretty sure it is KEY to not over complicate things !!!!

    Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk
    Tasbay and Micky Duck like this.
    Its not what you get but what you give that makes a life !!

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    South of Wellington
    Quote Originally Posted by floatingkiwi View Post
    I would expect that the ammo box (for instance), would HAVE to be attached to the inside of the gunsafe room?
    Ammunition needs to be locked in storage. It does not need to be fixed to anything.
    Micky Duck and kukuwai like this.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Im just planning such a room niw in our new build. From my discussion with the AO they mainly want it set up so you cant grab ammo and rifle in one go, the aim being to hinder "impulsive" actions. So im planning a lockable grill type partition in my room, ammo and bolts one side, rifles the other.
    Micky Duck likes this.



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