New generation lot, another go at airguns. For long as I remember since childhood, this topic about air rifles always pops up now and then.
New generation lot, another go at airguns. For long as I remember since childhood, this topic about air rifles always pops up now and then.
I don't think they are wrong about their ability. The one I got for my 10th birthday which would, new, shoot through both sides of a baked beans can and deal death to any sparrow or blackbird, was unlikely to kill a pig but yes, could cause a significant injury, like loss of an eye. What a great learning rifle for a kid tho!! that's what I would hate to see stopped. Not sure any 10 yr old should be wandering around their urban back yard with a 22 calibre Springer, or even a .177, at the higher velocities they are now available at - if of course they had the strength to crank them. PCPs are already well controlled I believe.
I know a lot but it seems less every day...
you are right Jhon where is this going thats the point
Wait till they test a broadhead fired from a crossbow or bow......
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
All the hoodrats roam with knives these days anyway.
Identify your target beyond all doubt
This is a good example of why NZ went away from universal registration in the first place and concentrated on licencing the users first and foremost. The simple fact that people who make these blindingly obvious statements after performing "research" miss is that as far as animals go, ones that carry their weight on two legs are all other things being equal a lot more lightly built than those on four legs. That makes people a lot more affected by impact from projectiles than the equivalent four legger, and one the flip side of that if we want a tool to be effective on animals with four legs it's going to work great on more lightly built specimens.
I am tring to work out how they got 10inches of penetration in a pigs chest??? most shoulder/ribs are no more than 2inches through...1" at most if behind leg.
interesting they talking deliberate shooting of humans..this is nothing new at all and yes a stick propelled by a string will out penertrate air rifle by country mile...and new there is even a hybrid "thing" out there using slingshot rubber in a crude crossbow crossed with spear gun set up,fires everything from small pebbles right up to knife with gut hook notch used to hook onto the sling sort of like a F14 being lauched off aircraft carrier.
75/15/10 black powder matters
10.6cm is a little over 4"