I use the chamber flags in my gun safe (especially for the Ruger 10/22); just in case there's a surprise inspection. Who knows? But if I have to bring a rifle into a gunshop etc then I ensure the bolt is out AND a chamber flag is inside it. Just as a double layer of proof. More for the shop owner's peace of mind really. And no; I'm not a wokester.... I can clearly remember walking down the main street in town to the sports shop with my rifle slung over my shoulder (bolt out of course) with no one batting an eye lid at me (1979+ ish) to get something done on it. But times have changed. Now; I'd have it in a gun bag or box which ironically makes it even easier to hide a rifle aiming to be used for nefarious purposes...
A bit off topic but speaking of gunshops.... About 4 years ago I was looking at rifles in a shop and this older guy (mid 70's???) walked in and asked about a rifle he was interested in. The salesman apologised for having to ask the question "Do you have a current firearms licence?" He told him they ask everyone beforehand, it was store practice.
Well the old old guy tripped out to the max... "I've had an F&&&ing licence since before you were born sonny" was the opening salvo. Then; literally screaming in a high pitched way. And yes; I mean actual screaming at the top of his voice.... Screamed a series of "F" and "C" words at him for about 5 mins non stop, before storming out of the shop.... I was absolutely gobsmacked.... I had never before or since heard such a tirrade; especially over sweet FA... It made me think; if he lost his rag like that in public, what's he like at home, and with firearms there.... I could sorta understand him being grumpy at the initial question; but a simple "Yes; of course" would have sufficed....