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Thread: Stewart Island police

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Boner View Post
    A mate of mine has no internet, no email and no tv. Much to be admired.
    Wonder how the establishment expects him to be aware of the moving target that is remaining compliant
    His responsibility. Get off his arse and go and find out. Join NZDA. What ever.
    BRADS, erniec, dannyb and 2 others like this.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  2. #32
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    Feb 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    No- Dont...they are a nightmare to get back in......
    As above, don’t do it unless you really need to,but the following may help. Read Browning instructions first.
    Then “Remove the lever assembly as a whole, insert go guage or fully sized case into the chamber, insert the bolt and push it fully home, the head will rotate into the locked position, install the lever group in the locked position.
    If your headspace is out it was always out because the lugs to chamber set your headspace, not the gears, they set your timing where a full tooth on the gears goes from unable to close, to unable to rotate and lock the bolt head.”
    Last edited by woods223; 29-04-2023 at 01:13 PM.
    7mmwsm, dannyb and m101a1 like this.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GDMP View Post
    There is a bit of responsibility on both sides, surely.
    Plenty of info available.
    Just walk into a police station. I got a helpful printed sheet from my station for my Grandson.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Boner View Post
    A mate of mine has no internet, no email and no tv. Much to be admired.
    Wonder how the establishment expects him to be aware of the moving target that is remaining compliant
    My brother is one of those and has just renewed his FAL by snail mail and cell phone, mind you it took 10 months....the police send him letters, I get them as well but they don't tell you anything but want you to go online to check...They just don't comprehend 'no internet'.

  5. #35
    Join Date
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    South Otago
    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Plenty of info available.
    Just walk into a police station. I got a helpful printed sheet from my station for my Grandson.
    True - but first you have to be aware that the changes are looming and that the cop shop has the printed sheets in stock.
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  6. #36
    Member zimmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GDMP View Post
    Some out there simply have no idea of the extent of the changes over the past few years.....they still think that there was a ban of semi-autos and thats it.Boy are they in for a shock.....
    Somewhere back in this thread some one posted "You all know the rules". If only. Although this may be have been referring to the Seven Firearm Safety Rules.
    There will still be heaps of BSA Sportman 15 owners out there ignorant of the changes.
    Joining a club is one way of being exposed to the changes.
    Micky Duck likes this.

  7. #37
    Member Zedrex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sidetrack View Post
    And really, chamber flags??? what the actual fuck!! Those things are for Utubers, to show the firearms illiterate that a rifle is not loaded, they are not a solution for proper firearm safety. Pure virtue signaling!!!
    Wether or not chamber flags are for utubers is a moot point. The fact is the non firearm owning public, who you'll meet by the score out in the back blocks ARE firearm illiterate and anyone with a firearm is the bogeyman (in their eyes, for all sorts of reasons, which is another conversation) so as responsible firearms owners, it's up to us to reassure them that they're safe and that we ARE responsible and if chamber flags are one of the tools we can use to promote that, then where's the harm?
    Cyclops, Finnwolf and Andygr like this.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    nope but if its true..fair enough given the volume of folks who are down there on tracks....hells bells I take firearm out when trout fishing as leaving it unattended is just dumb.
    We were in the Ironbark hut in 1982. Some loopys arrived as we were heading off for a hunt and fish with some whom complained about firearms etc in the hut. We got back very late with trout and venison. Put on a stew and set the trout in tinfoil in the embers. We started to eat at about 12.30am. The food vapours were enveloping the hut. One female tramper had not offered any criticism at all. We knew she up and was not asleep. My bil asked her if she wanted a feed. Crikey she was out of her sleeping bag quicker than a whippet.She had 2 helpings of stew and trout. Scowls across faces in the morning from her friends. Still laughing about it to this day.
    308, Micky Duck, Steffan and 2 others like this.

  9. #39
    Join Date
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    Stratford, Taranaki
    I use the chamber flags in my gun safe (especially for the Ruger 10/22); just in case there's a surprise inspection. Who knows? But if I have to bring a rifle into a gunshop etc then I ensure the bolt is out AND a chamber flag is inside it. Just as a double layer of proof. More for the shop owner's peace of mind really. And no; I'm not a wokester.... I can clearly remember walking down the main street in town to the sports shop with my rifle slung over my shoulder (bolt out of course) with no one batting an eye lid at me (1979+ ish) to get something done on it. But times have changed. Now; I'd have it in a gun bag or box which ironically makes it even easier to hide a rifle aiming to be used for nefarious purposes...

    A bit off topic but speaking of gunshops.... About 4 years ago I was looking at rifles in a shop and this older guy (mid 70's???) walked in and asked about a rifle he was interested in. The salesman apologised for having to ask the question "Do you have a current firearms licence?" He told him they ask everyone beforehand, it was store practice.

    Well the old old guy tripped out to the max... "I've had an F&&&ing licence since before you were born sonny" was the opening salvo. Then; literally screaming in a high pitched way. And yes; I mean actual screaming at the top of his voice.... Screamed a series of "F" and "C" words at him for about 5 mins non stop, before storming out of the shop.... I was absolutely gobsmacked.... I had never before or since heard such a tirrade; especially over sweet FA... It made me think; if he lost his rag like that in public, what's he like at home, and with firearms there.... I could sorta understand him being grumpy at the initial question; but a simple "Yes; of course" would have sufficed....
    Micky Duck, MB, Steffan and 1 others like this.

  10. #40
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    Stratford, Taranaki
    Quote Originally Posted by Zedrex View Post
    The fact is the non firearm owning public, who you'll meet by the score out in the back blocks ARE firearm illiterate and anyone with a firearm is the bogeyman (in their eyes, for all sorts of reasons, which is another conversation) so as responsible firearms owners, it's up to us to reassure them that they're safe and that we ARE responsible and if chamber flags are one of the tools we can use to promote that, then where's the harm?
    @Zedrex Where I hunt goats I have to walk a few hundred metres to get to it along a remote metal road that often has sightseers doing a tiki tour along it. Cars often stop to chinwag, but only to ask what I'm hunting, had any luck etc. It's quite refreshing actually.... One time I took my mate out there and she shot a big billy. It was close to the road so she dragged it out. She burst out of the bush, dragging a dead billy goat just as a backpacker's camervan went past. He looked shocked, swivelled his head just about in a complete half circle watching her as he drove past, and nearly drove off the road.... He must have thought he was in "Deliverence" country! He did a bit of fishtailing before getting the van on track again...
    308, Micky Duck, Finnwolf and 2 others like this.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finnwolf View Post
    Dunno but on a TV show a cop was doing tour of the huts and gave some advice re firearms security to the hunters there - nobody was ‘done’.
    for 8 years as Senior Ranger Waikaremoana did hut rounds on lake - if hunters in hut quick look at firearms - asked many to remove bolts and put firearms out of sight - never ever got a shity reply at all - in fact had more problems with bloody trampers mainly females moaning their butts of at having to share hut with hunters - all got same message from me - I have spoken to hunters -their firearms are safe - have asked them to drink out side and keep noise down - they seem a good bunch - but many trampers still not that happy - so who was the problem really
    Micky Duck, Ranger 888 and Steffan like this.

  12. #42
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    They should have thought about the possibility of meeting hunters when they set out for the hut(s)!

    What were they expecting a Ranger to do? - kick the hunters out? pffft!
    ‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’

  13. #43
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    by same token..hunters should expect to run into sensitive souls tramping...... we NEED to be seen to be doing our bit to keep everyone safe...when we can normalise this by doing normal things without fuss or bother...eg remove all ammunition BEFORE getting to hut,leaving action open if possible when in or around hut and stay calm and if asked show calmly yip its empty but I STILL TREAT AS IF ITS LOADED..... we can be on a win win...heck we may even semi educate a Karen...or at least her friends.
    I always empty chmber and magazine a few hundy yards from car or camp or hut..always have done.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  14. #44
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    by same token..hunters should expect to run into sensitive souls tramping...... we NEED to be seen to be doing our bit to keep everyone safe...when we can normalise this by doing normal things without fuss or bother...eg remove all ammunition BEFORE getting to hut,leaving action open if possible when in or around hut and stay calm and if asked show calmly yip its empty but I STILL TREAT AS IF ITS LOADED..... we can be on a win win...heck we may even semi educate a Karen...or at least her friends.
    I always empty chmber and magazine a few hundy yards from car or camp or hut..always have done.
    you Micky Duck are truly onto it very sage advice indeed - remember two Auckland hunters arriving at Tewaitukapiti hut lower Waiau when culling there - both were wet as bloody shags - both had full wood army .303,s strapped to top of pack - yup fully cocked safety on - thats how ya carry them down a river with multiple crossings not
    Micky Duck and Steffan like this.

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    With sensitive souls out in the bush I use the following position: I kill animals to eat. They die within seconds, if not outright.

    The government kills hundreds of thousands of animals annually, most dieing the most excruciating lingering death.

    Who has the higher ethics?
    Mark M, tetawa, Finnwolf and 3 others like this.



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