What evidence is there for this stuff? I get exactly what you are saying, I even freely admit to harbouring that very same prejudice myself against black guns. Our shared innate prejudice is basically, people who like modern style black guns enough to pay for them are more likely to be potential mass murderers and criminals than oldies like me/us who prefer old fashioned wooded guns.
But it does not bear scrutiny any more than the usual "young people nowadays are so different from us ol' cobblers."
First question that should be asked (if accepting the notion in the first place) is: how much more likely are such to be gun crims? And how do you gauge how strong someone's like for MSSAs is? In sexual research there are balloon cuffs measuring penile turgor in response to various images, maybe something analogous can be done with MSSA vs Bolt actions images. Point is, difficult.
And then there are the incidental individuals with criminal or political aims who don't have a particular love affair with guns, but use them as tools in their drug trade or to terror ends. Anders Breivik is one creepy example, though overseas in fairness, who had no-long standing gun interest and could not have been identified by the above screening criterion, e.g by a liking of MSSA features.
On vetting, FAL applicants generally... all like firearms. Some will like some style of gun more than another style. If you can put a percentage on this, then how much can you really read into those percentages? Am I for example allowed to like AR15s or AK's more than, say, a random 35% tipping point before being deemed potential criminally insane? Thin ice. In reality, few shooters would kick any particular kind of gun outa their beds outright (figuratively speaking, all gun cuddling perverts out there!).
Anyway, political-assassins-to-be out there should of course be identified not by MSSA-love but by an equally perverted love of bolt actioned rifles with optics, never mind owners of .22 suppressed semi-autos (or those who would like to own one) are suspect in the extreme given how such have featured in Aramoana and the Bain murders.
No, this is a blind alley.