It's stupid to do either, the fact that some people are stupid enough to use power tools without hearing protection doesn't meant it's not stupid to fire a rifle without it
Entirely your opinion. A suppressor does reduce sound pressure level to near or below hearing safe, does reduce severity of felt recoil, does disturb animals in the immediate and wider vicinity less, and does reduce muzzle blast. I personally think they look quite ugly but I put up with it because life is much more pleasant with them.its all about looks and image, nothing about effectiveness of the suppressor.
NZSASIf it was really a huge issue and all that, then the Police and Army would have suppressors on their rifles. But they don't and they fire a lot more rounds than you ever will.
NZ Police
You're also making assumptions, I would say that I fire about an order of magnitude more rounds than any normal police officer does in a work related capacity, and those institutions presumably mandate use of other hearing protection wherever practical