75/15/10 black powder matters
I didnt say any of the things I mentioned were the cause of the collapse. I said when it came time to limit easier killing in the face of collapse, there was resistance.
Im also not talking about whats right for you. Im not heading down to the individual level. But thats part of my point. You all are proving my point.
Its got nothing to do with pest control, animal management, any other factor that we see used as excuses so often. Its about what each of you wants.
You know the funny part about this???? When guys are out in open targeting deer,the deer take to the bush...like they did to avoid airborne meathawks. The tahr learnt to dive into caves and deer in open learnt to lay down in any cover...and taught it to next generation. We will not whipe the herds out. Been tried for years.yes this could well thing them out BUT the lazy hunters will still be lazy. We have a whole heap of younguns whos idea of hunting is out window of ute on private land with spotlight or thermal...or shoot close to truck in daylight,often not even retrieving animal... They have zero interest in doing the hard yards to get animal in the bush and carry it out to eat..why bother when can buy KFC or Burger King??? We grew up through hard financial Times so our whole mindset to game animal meat is different. Along similar slippery slope lines. How many photos get published of stags shot in velvet??? Yet even ten years ago that was frowned upon. NZDA used to very much disapprove of shooting stag in velvet. Now that in many places numbers are high ,it's become more normal to do so...not my cuppa tea.
75/15/10 black powder matters
It's got everything to do with animal number management. If the recreational hunters shoot more,the govt won't have to do so,either by poison or Arial culling.
75/15/10 black powder matters
Ferk, this is getting more like Facebook everyday
This kind of person is known in the firearms community as a "Fudd". They're known for being against every other part of the firearms and hunting community that they aren't personally interested in.
Also funny he's hiding behind the safety argument. I personally it's unsafe to not use a thermal because it's another layer of target identification.
And there it is. David has attempted to start an adult conversation and publicly aired his opinion. If we take this forum and thread as a snapshot of the hunting community, Instead of adult thought out response we get cancel culture threats of not buying his magazine, and the fucking tired and pathetic Fudd name calling.
If thermals help the average hunter control some of the booming numbers in the Forest Parks I support it fully.
Deer numbers are really getting out of hand, our Neighbours shot 250 deer in last month all from from the Ruahines.
People Need to shoot more deer, I don't like waste but numbers are to high and Im happy to shoot and Scoot as I think it's better than the alternatives...
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Last edited by BRADS; 11-09-2024 at 09:12 AM.
I work in the Ag business and we have a few customers up the Pohangina and Kawhatau (western Ruahine) that were shooting similar numbers of deer, they are being thrown into a gorge at the back of the farm.
Cropping time is fast approaching and the deer will be out in force again and the hired guns will be back, thermals will play a massive part.